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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Re: Red and Purple
Martin blinks, a tad confused at his opponent's antics, and narrowly manages to dodge the rock. But in his confusion and attempt to hold the spell he's prepped at bay, he doesn't have enough time to teleport out of the way.

He does move enough that the tackle attempt doesn't have him pinned to the ground, but he's hit hard enough that he's sent flying back. Catching himself on one of his discs and hitting it with a loud thump, he glares at the purple one while he sits up.

"Okay that's it. No more being all nice superhero-helper. You're going to be my guinea pig now!" Still glaring as wisps of magic start escaping from his gloves due to anger, he quickly looks around to make sure none of his teammates could see this then begins the incantation.

Well it was a spell he had little practice in, although it was based off one he knew, and he didn't think people would appreciate him testing this out in the middle of Boston. But hey, bystanders were out of the way and his opponent wasn't even human. Plus, purple idiot needed to be gotten back at for that tackle...

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