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nextgen_citizen ([info]nextgen_citizen) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-19 17:10:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, bea dayspring, crosshairs, martin baum, plot-"the cutting edge"

Trouble Downtown
Car alarms went off and people screamed, a few firing shots, as a metahuman rampage is in progress. Police bands are abuzz with reports of six mutants or robots or something that shouldn't be causing significant property damage. Reports are sparse, with the only details about the attackers being 'tall', 'strong', and 'brightly colored'.

The individuals were human in shape, but completely covered in single color suits. They were strong, and fast, and nothing police or bystanders seemed to be throwing at them would make them stay down for long.

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2012-02-19 08:37 pm UTC (link)
Anya was on monitoring duty when the alert came in. "Thunderbolts, we have some work to do," she said over the comms. "Everyone suit up and be ready to roll in five minutes."

She ran from the monitoring room and and called her armor to her.

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2012-02-20 12:12 am UTC (link)
Having no real 'suiting up' to do, his usual vest and lucky hat being his 'crimefighting' gear, Martin is the first one at the meeting place and sits cross-legged on his hovering magic disc a few feet above the ground.

But he does take the rest of those five minutes to conjure up a much larger disc for a team teleport in case they need it.

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2012-02-20 03:30 am UTC (link)
Bea straps on her equipment and gets out there with them.

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2012-02-22 07:18 am UTC (link)
Kelly keeps most of her equipment on hand, and has long since been trained to be ready almost immediately. Since she has 5 minutes though, she takes the opportunity to set up a little heavy firepower, just in case.

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2012-02-22 11:08 pm UTC (link)
"If anyone needs a lift, let me know," Anya said as her armor encased her.

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2012-02-22 11:17 pm UTC (link)
Martin perks up and indicates the large elaborate seal on the floor. "I got it don't worry Boss! I can teleport us all in one go if you want."

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2012-02-22 11:19 pm UTC (link)
"What are we dealing with?"

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2012-02-22 11:26 pm UTC (link)
"People in different colored suits and the police can't stop them," Anya said.

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2012-02-22 11:33 pm UTC (link)
"Isn't that the usual thing you guys deal with?"

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2012-02-23 01:37 am UTC (link)
"If it's weird, we deal with it. Telporting us all will help a great deal," she said. "Everyone ready?"

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2012-02-22 11:20 pm UTC (link)
The creatures were acting strangely, even for rampaging metahumans. The six of them paired off and scattered, one seeming to attack bystanders while others tried to forcibly carry them to safety. The impulses to attack or protect changed erratically.

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Red and Purple
2012-02-22 11:22 pm UTC (link)
The red suited one hurls a motorcycle across the street at a man and his dog, just before both are grabbed out of the way by the one in purple. It deposited them in the branches of a tree before leaping away. It paused for a moment, before attacking a jogger.

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Re: Red and Purple
2012-02-23 01:14 am UTC (link)
Appearing in a whoosh of blue flame between the jogger and their purple attacker, Martin quickly puts up one of his magic shields to stop the attack and thrusts his palm forward to send the purple one flying out of the way.

"I guess this is the usual thing superheroes deal with. I didn't think the costumes would be so...uni-coloured."

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Re: Red and Purple
2012-02-26 12:07 am UTC (link)
The two figures seem to pause, featureless faces pointed at Martin after the purple one lands again. The two of them looked at one another, then moved near each other quickly. They assumed a back to back stance and then made a gesture at Martin, before both leaped at him.

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Re: Red and Purple
2012-02-26 05:13 am UTC (link)
While the purple one recovers, Martin conjures up four of his magic discs and waits to see what they'll do. He wasn't going to throw a time freeze spell at them until he knew what they could do a bit better. Best for some testing now, which also meant he'd be sticking to the magic he was most comfortable with.

As they leap he takes a deep breath to calm himself and try and wipe the excited grin off his face. Time for fun.

Waiting until they're close enough, he instantly teleports away, high above them, and directs two discs at each of them in an attempt to crush them between the discs.

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Re: Red and Purple
2012-02-28 11:40 pm UTC (link)
They are both caught between the discs, but one not quite as cleanly as the other. The purple one bulges to one side, then shoots out from between the discs, landing in a shambling heap. The red one is pressed down, beginning to contort like a squeezed water balloon, until it bursts. Some biological material erupts into steam, all but disintegrating into the air.

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Re: Red and Purple
2012-02-29 01:50 am UTC (link)
Well that was...unexpected. Humans most certainly didn't do that, and he hadn't realized he put that much force into it. Future note: don't squish people between discs.

Oh well. One on one meant a bit more fun at least.

Muttering the last part of the time freeze spell's incantation under his breath, Martin teleports over to where the purple one landed, ready to start casting.

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Re: Red and Purple
2012-03-01 05:52 pm UTC (link)
The purple one got up and raised arms over its head, as if it would be shouting if it had a mouth. It hurled a rock at Martin, then rushed in behind it, attempting to tackle him.

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Re: Red and Purple
2012-03-01 11:16 pm UTC (link)
Martin blinks, a tad confused at his opponent's antics, and narrowly manages to dodge the rock. But in his confusion and attempt to hold the spell he's prepped at bay, he doesn't have enough time to teleport out of the way.

He does move enough that the tackle attempt doesn't have him pinned to the ground, but he's hit hard enough that he's sent flying back. Catching himself on one of his discs and hitting it with a loud thump, he glares at the purple one while he sits up.

"Okay that's it. No more being all nice superhero-helper. You're going to be my guinea pig now!" Still glaring as wisps of magic start escaping from his gloves due to anger, he quickly looks around to make sure none of his teammates could see this then begins the incantation.

Well it was a spell he had little practice in, although it was based off one he knew, and he didn't think people would appreciate him testing this out in the middle of Boston. But hey, bystanders were out of the way and his opponent wasn't even human. Plus, purple idiot needed to be gotten back at for that tackle...

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Re: Red and Purple
2012-03-03 02:22 am UTC (link)
There's a great flash of light, and when it subsides, a purple guinea pig is scurrying about, squeaking in aggression as it charges at Martin.

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Re: Red and Purple
2012-03-03 02:39 am UTC (link)
He'd only decided on a that spell because it was so rare he had the opportunity to test it. Last time it hadn't gone so well...

"It worked!" He jumps in the air and fist pumps with glee, "First time it worked perfectly! Lucky hat has still got it."

Crouching down to get a closer look as the little purple guinea pig angrily attacks his shoe, Martin just grins. "I have to show Dr. Strange! He won't believe it at all." He takes off his hat and levitates the his former opponent onto the top of his hat and carefully keeps the hat steady so the evidence of his success doesn't fall off.

"I'm gonna go show you to the others!" Excitedly stepping back onto his magic disc, Martin teleports away in a spiral of blue flame to find his teammates.

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Blue and Green
2012-02-22 11:47 pm UTC (link)
One in a green suit rips a parking meter out of the ground and hurls it at a young girl. The blue one catches it and pauses thoughtfully for a moment before charging at a couple on the other side of the street, swinging the parking meter like a bat.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-02-23 02:41 am UTC (link)
Fast and agile, good to know. Strong enough to tear up parking meter. Kelly assesses the targets, then lobs a stun grenade between the metahuman and the couple. Sure, it will catch them too, but they needed to get their heads down anyway, plus the area shot should give her a better idea of the reflexes she's dealing with.

"What is this, fucking amateur night? Parking meter is totally weighted wrong to be a good weapon. Leaves you wide open on the follow-through. If you're going to terrorize innocents and sow terror, do it right, bitches."

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-02-26 12:15 am UTC (link)
The figures are driven back by the stun grenade, then start grabbing the heaviest items they can procure, lobbing them at Kelly.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-02-28 06:35 am UTC (link)
Kelly ducks and rolls under the first, crashing just behind her. "Pinto, among its many sucky features - aerodynamics. You're just not good at this."

She fires, not expecting to hit anything, just trying to take them off the offensive a bit.

"Manhole cover, better, much...erk."

She's slammed back into a building, rolling with it, but still caught off guard by the force of the throw. "But you realize, that minivan there would be a much better projectile."

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-02-28 11:38 pm UTC (link)
The figures stop, seeming to contemplate that, then both run over to the minivan. They each grab an end, and then fling it at Kelly. The yelping of a dog can be heard from within.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-01 12:25 am UTC (link)
Kelly got the report, such as it is, on their conflicted nature and contradictions - so she tries something as the van is being hefted and they're in the motion of throwing.

"Oh no! Someone has to save the puppy!"

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-01 05:55 pm UTC (link)
The figures freeze as they throw the van, and then just as quickly, run underneath it, trying to catch it. They manage to break its fall, only to wind up underneath it. Their knees buckle briefly, before they completely give way, and are pinned underneath the vehicle.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-01 11:52 pm UTC (link)
Kelly grins down at them, drawing her pistols. "I've signed a waiver saying I wouldn't use lethal force unnecessarily. Your fashion sense almost crosses us into grey territory, but this is still property destruction on a wide scale. As such, I'm not going to shoot you in the head. Shoulder joints, however, are pretty incapacitating, and not necessary to most life functions. Given that you can throw vans, I assumed a higher than normal durability level, and went with the anti-armor shells."

She points one at each, opening fire point blank.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-02 11:15 pm UTC (link)
The shots strike true, and promptly pierce the suits. The bodies within erupt in a jet of steam, breaking down completely.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-03 03:52 pm UTC (link)
Kelly eyes this phenomena. "You know, I should be pissed off that now I have to explain to my sister that I really was just shooting to wound, and didn't mean to kill someone for once. But the fact that you come with your own special effects when you die kind of makes up for it."

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Yellow and Orange
2012-02-23 01:01 am UTC (link)
A yellow-suited metahuman rips a hydrant from the ground and flings it into the side of a passing car. An orange one rips the roof off and carries the driver off to a rooftop, away from the carnage.

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-02-23 06:15 pm UTC (link)
Iron Girl flew in over the street and immediately spotted the source of the problems. She opened fire with her repulsors hoping to knock the two senseless.

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-02-26 12:20 am UTC (link)
One figure takes the brunt of the blasts, and it almost looks as if its body vibrates like a jello mold, before getting its bearings once again. The orange figure points at Anya, thumps a hand to its chest, and then points at the yellow one, assuming a fighting stance.

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-02-26 04:00 pm UTC (link)
Iron Girl swooped down and delivered one punch to the orange one and one to the yellow.

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-02-28 11:59 pm UTC (link)
The figures are sent flying from the force of the impacts. The orange one gets up first, spreading palms at its sides. 'What the hell?' it seems to say, before attacking the yellow one.

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-02-29 01:57 am UTC (link)
Iron Girl just looked at the two bad guys and wondered if there was anything in the super hero handbook about what to do if bad guys fight each other. Why did they always get the weird shit?

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-03-01 05:58 pm UTC (link)
The two figures grapple with each other for a bit, until one throws the other at Anya.

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-03-01 11:57 pm UTC (link)
Iron Girl blasted the incoming with a shot from her repulsors.

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-03-02 11:27 pm UTC (link)
The yellow one is thrown back like a leaf in a windstorm, flying into a tree and being impaled on a branch. Moments later, an empty suit is all that remains.

The orange one pauses, then resumes its own assault of Iron Girl.

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-03-03 06:09 am UTC (link)
Iron Girl charged directly at the orange one. A powered punch connected with the...what were they?

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Re: Yellow and Orange
2012-03-04 10:33 pm UTC (link)
The fist sinks in, and the surface of the suit briefly distends, before the figure is sent flying. It lands in a nearby intersection, and begins to stand up, only to be splattered by a passing tractor trailer. Like the others, no contents are left behind.

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2012-03-04 10:56 pm UTC (link)
"Alright, Thunderbolts, let's make sure there are no casualties and get any injured some medical help," Iron Girl said as she landed in the middle of the street.

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2012-03-04 11:00 pm UTC (link)
Martin teleports in, holding his hat with his new purple friend on top. "On it Boss."

"By the way, can we keep him?" He holds out the hat with the angry purple guinea pig trying frantically to escape only to be telekinetically brought back to the center of the hat.

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2012-03-05 01:11 am UTC (link)
"I'm terrible at preventing casualties. I'll head to a sniper position and cover you all, in case of any other surprises."

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2012-03-08 01:56 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not sure what these things were," Iron Girl said. "They didn't seem human or remotely human."

Anya grabbed one of the suits. She'd take this back and look at it or even possibly send it down to Hank Pym for analysis.

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2012-03-08 06:54 pm UTC (link)
"Uh...yeah about that, if you squish them too hard they...pop. Into steam," he admits. Martin doesn't think anyone will get mad about that though, he hadn't intended for that to happen anyway.

He goes off to move some debris out of the way and help rescue crews. "Well nobody said no," he whispers to his new purple friend as they head off.

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