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dark_scion ([info]dark_scion) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-16 23:32:00

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Entry tags:fred mccoy, sasha morden

 One would find it unusual to see Fred sitting in the living room of the institute. They would likely find it even more so that the lights weren't even turned on. He was just sitting in the dark doing..nothing.

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2012-02-19 06:10 am UTC (link)
"You did nothing. Just this damnable arm!" he snarls at the limb as if it were his worst enemy.

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2012-02-19 06:12 am UTC (link)
Reaching out, she pulls the arm in question between them, smoothing her fingers up on one side, and down to his hand on the other. Teasing her fingers through his, she moves in to press a kiss to his shoulder, lifting his arm so she can drop a trail of small kisses down the entirety of it, ending with one in the center of his palm. "There's nothing wrong with this arm, Fred. You're just not used to it. It's a perfectly lovely arm."

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2012-02-19 06:32 am UTC (link)
A slight purr, but he still looks somewhat depressed. "I still hate it."

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2012-02-19 06:34 am UTC (link)
"Then we'll hope it changes back like it did before. If not, then you'll just have to learn all the new tricks you can do with this one as opposed to your others. Of course, until it does change, I feel like sticking close in case you need... help with anything." The last was said with a slanted grin, her hips shifting over his so he couldn't mistake what she meant as an insult on his abilities.

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2012-02-19 06:42 am UTC (link)
"I do like have you close by," he admits. "But I'd rather hope this thing doesn't stay long."

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2012-02-19 06:43 am UTC (link)
"No reason I can't stay close by when it goes," she lifted her hands to cup his face, brushing her thumbs over his cheeks. "I could start to dig this sciency stuff... with the right teacher."

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2012-02-19 06:44 am UTC (link)
A slight smile. "I never expected I'd have a potential student."

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2012-02-19 06:45 am UTC (link)
"Well, it could be a reciprocal teaching. You teach me sciency stuff so you don't have a dumb blonde for a girlfriend, and I'll teach you... other stuff."

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2012-02-19 06:55 am UTC (link)
"You are not dumb," he scolds, but then smiles. "I always interested in learning."

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2012-02-19 06:56 am UTC (link)
"Compared to you, sugarlips, I'm a freakin' moron. But I'm comfortable with that, because I like what I know."

Draping her arms back around his neck, she squeezes her thighs around him. "And in this regard, I'd be very interested in teaching."

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2012-02-19 07:02 am UTC (link)
And another moan escapes his lips. "I'm..eager to learn, Sasha."

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2012-02-19 07:04 am UTC (link)
"Oh goody... I like the idea of you being eager." She grinned, moving in to press her lips back to his, shifting further up his lap again.

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