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dark_scion ([info]dark_scion) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-16 23:32:00

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Entry tags:fred mccoy, sasha morden

 One would find it unusual to see Fred sitting in the living room of the institute. They would likely find it even more so that the lights weren't even turned on. He was just sitting in the dark doing..nothing.

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2012-02-19 04:17 am UTC (link)
Her nose tipped up, brushing over his neck and she grinned. "Are you at all concerned at this particular moment in time about anything?"

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2012-02-19 04:20 am UTC (link)
He makes an effort to think. "Can't say that I am."

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2012-02-19 04:21 am UTC (link)
"Consider my claim proven." Her hand slides up his neck, into his hair, twirling the strands around her fingers as she reminds herself to behave. Again.

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2012-02-19 04:29 am UTC (link)
"You know..it's getting late. You should probably get to sleep." He hated himself right now for being practical.

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2012-02-19 04:31 am UTC (link)
"Can't say I'm tired at the moment." But she heard a note in his voice and wondered if she was pushing too hard. He wasn't used to company and she'd already stolen him for a while...

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2012-02-19 04:37 am UTC (link)
"I simply don't want you to get in trouble. I cannot remember if there's a curfew here or not."

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2012-02-19 04:39 am UTC (link)
"Only for students," she murmured, shifting higher on his lap.

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2012-02-19 04:45 am UTC (link)
He moans softly. "I see." Being a bit more aware, he was starting to pick up traces of a familiar scent. "Sasha?"

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2012-02-19 04:47 am UTC (link)
Her hand tightened briefly in his hair at the moan and she sucked in a quick breath, letting it out slowly so as not to echo him. "Mm?" Which was the best he was going to get as far as an answer right now. She was busy trying not to listen to the thoughts in her head.

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2012-02-19 04:58 am UTC (link)
He sniffs at her hair. "You smell divine."

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2012-02-19 04:59 am UTC (link)
She chuckled softly, tipping her head up to his. "Are you sniffing me?" Not that she could say anything, considering she'd been burying her nose against his neck and doing more than enjoying the effects.

"You smell amazing, Fred."

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2012-02-19 05:13 am UTC (link)
"Yes," he admits. "It's like that day during the picnic." He raises a wry eyebrow. "You're sniffing me, now?"

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2012-02-19 05:15 am UTC (link)
"How sensitive is your sense of smell? Because you're likely picking up on the increase in my pheromone output."

She grinned at the brow-raise, nodding slightly. "Mm, and as I said, you're scrumptious. Very distracting."

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2012-02-19 05:22 am UTC (link)
"My sense of smell is very keen. It's likely that I am picking up on it because.." He moves in closer to take a long, satisfying sniff. "..it makes me want to continue where we left off at the picnic."

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2012-02-19 05:27 am UTC (link)
Something like a strangled groan left her, her body reacting almost violently to that simple statement. She had to clench her hand in his shirt, take another bracing breath - which of course, didn't help, considering her face was still pressed against his neck. "Fred..." Did she want that? God, yes. Did she think he was ready for that? Not yet. But damn, it better be soon, because she was not going to be able to play nice for too much longer. Of course, 'nice' didn't mean she couldn't indulge. "I think we could... revisit that."

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2012-02-19 05:30 am UTC (link)
His face nuzzles at hers, instinctively seeking her lips. "I wouldn't mind."

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2012-02-19 05:33 am UTC (link)
"Good, because I really don't think I could avoid it right now." She'd give him this, he was a fast learner. Her lips met his and she turned on his lap, moving to straddle him and acquire a more... comfortable position. Her hands smoothed over his chest, sliding up to his shoulders, then back down.

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2012-02-19 05:42 am UTC (link)
A purr erupts from his throat, vibrating up to their lips. His arms wrap around her.

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2012-02-19 05:44 am UTC (link)
"God, you smell good," she groaned, nipping at his lips and letting one hand go back up into his hair, the other fisting in his shirt as she tried not to give into the urge to yank it off.

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2012-02-19 05:46 am UTC (link)
"So do you." He playfully nipped back, as if trying to catch her lips with his.

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2012-02-19 05:49 am UTC (link)
A small, gentle bite to his lower lip, then she fused her mouth to his, tongue sliding out to lick over the seam of his lips. Make-out sessions were totally within the realm of nice. Topless make-out sessions also applied. Her hands slid down to find their way under his shirt, sighing as she felt his skin.

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2012-02-19 06:00 am UTC (link)
He goes to caress her hair..and sudden;y remembers the sloth-hand. A growl, and not a happy one, tears from his throat.

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2012-02-19 06:00 am UTC (link)
She draws back, confusion battling with the glaze of lust in her eyes. "What? What'd I do wrong?"

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2012-02-19 06:10 am UTC (link)
"You did nothing. Just this damnable arm!" he snarls at the limb as if it were his worst enemy.

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2012-02-19 06:12 am UTC (link)
Reaching out, she pulls the arm in question between them, smoothing her fingers up on one side, and down to his hand on the other. Teasing her fingers through his, she moves in to press a kiss to his shoulder, lifting his arm so she can drop a trail of small kisses down the entirety of it, ending with one in the center of his palm. "There's nothing wrong with this arm, Fred. You're just not used to it. It's a perfectly lovely arm."

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(no subject) - [info]dark_scion, 2012-02-19 06:32 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]echokinetic, 2012-02-19 06:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dark_scion, 2012-02-19 06:42 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]echokinetic, 2012-02-19 06:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dark_scion, 2012-02-19 06:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]echokinetic, 2012-02-19 06:45 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dark_scion, 2012-02-19 06:55 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]echokinetic, 2012-02-19 06:56 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dark_scion, 2012-02-19 07:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]echokinetic, 2012-02-19 07:04 am UTC

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