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MacKenzie Rider ([info]fleetfootmac) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-14 04:02:00

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Entry tags:awesome andrea, mac rider

Valentine Date
Mac arrived at the Baxter Building with a small Lily-of-the-Valley plant and two tickets to the Knicks-Raptors game. There was plenty of time to fly to Toronto.

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2012-02-15 01:30 am UTC (link)
"I definitely do."

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2012-02-15 01:40 am UTC (link)
"Very good," she said, as she took the flowers from him. "Let me just put these away and I shall be ready."

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2012-02-15 03:53 am UTC (link)
"Great. And then I'd be happy to fly you."

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2012-02-15 09:31 am UTC (link)
Andrea grinned. "I would like that." She may have been able to fly under her own power since her Mark II body, but being held while someone else was (someone else being able to lift her was a thing in and of itself, since she was heavier than she looked) doing the flying was a much more pleasurable thing.

While she was gone, however, HERBIE floated around the corner. He paused when he saw Mac and made as much of an "I'm watching you" gesture as his configuration allowed, before floating off again.

Andrea returned moments later. "All set," she told Mac.

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