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Antoinette "Toni" Rhodes ([info]toni_rhodes) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-13 21:47:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, plot-"what if", toni rhodes

Just to see my face
Some five possible years hence...

Anya Stark was always in demand.  For speeches, for technology consultations, for charity functions, for the good work her company did, for any number of other things.  

She was posed, perfect, and practiced when the situation called for it, though occasionally much was made of her sounding a little "rehearsed" and occasional snipits of private conversations revealed a dialog that was a little more "street" than one might expect out of a rich white girl.  But she was still a rising star who was only going to continue to rise higher, and seldom seen without the company of her good friend, Antoinette Rhodes.  Rumors aplenty had been made of a secret lesbian relationship between the two, but no proof had ever surfaced, and both had been seen on the arms of various men anyway.  Though much had been made of it when Ms. Rhodes had been seen dating the Rogers boy previously thought to be with Anya.

Yes, Anya Stark had it all.  Money, fame, friends, a fabulous jet-set lifestyle...

Anya Stark was, in fact, a complete fraud.  It was on her mind after every speech, every company presentation, such as the one she had just left, returning to her office to meet with "Ms. Rhodes."

Because Anya Stark was not, in fact, Anya Stark.  She was, and had been for the last five years, Toni Rhodes.  Ever since the would-be Mandarian had kidnapped her while in Anya's body and had stolen the ring.  They could have recovered it, could have still found it in time to return to their proper bodies, if he had not used it to turn himself into a virtual god, whose defeat had destroyed him and it completely.

But for the sake of the company, the public, and the general welfare of the world (the idea of body switching becoming common knowledge was not a good thing)... they had had to begin an elaborate game of pretend.  One which still continued to this day.

It had cost them both so much.  There were so few people with whom they could actually be their true selves.  What might have been a wonderful relationship for her had been cut down before it could even begin.

It was a lie.  A life of lies.  But she tried to tell herself it was for the best, and not to cry when she looked in the mirror and failed, as she always did the first time, to remember that that was her.

She opened the office door, slipping inside.   "Ugh.  Jackals."

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2012-02-18 12:33 am UTC (link)
"No. You can be all of those without being a bitch or bitchy. There's a big difference."

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2012-02-18 01:22 am UTC (link)
"Aaaah," Toni agreed. "Still. Good warning of things to be on guard against."

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2012-02-18 01:29 am UTC (link)
"Trust me when I say I will let you know if you're turning into a bitch."

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2012-02-18 01:49 am UTC (link)
"Good," Toni said. She took in a breath and let it out. "Okay, what else is on the schedule today?"

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2012-02-18 02:04 am UTC (link)
"Lunch. You and me. Then the rest of the afternoon off."

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2012-02-18 02:59 am UTC (link)
"Halleluiah," Toni said.

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2012-02-18 07:45 pm UTC (link)
"Let's go. I'm starving."

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2012-02-18 10:47 pm UTC (link)
"Big Nick's or somewhere fancier?"

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2012-02-18 10:49 pm UTC (link)
"Big Nick's," she said. "Where else would I want to go?"

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2012-02-18 10:56 pm UTC (link)
She laughed. "You'd think after all these years, I'd know. Let's roll."

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2012-02-19 12:48 am UTC (link)
"We're rolling," Anya said and stood up.

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