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nextgen_citizen ([info]nextgen_citizen) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-01-21 18:22:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, kael, martin baum, nicolai sablinova, plot-"unicorns dragons and dinosaurs oh , svalin

Dragons, Unicorns, and Dinosaurs Oh My!
Zoey loved New York City. When they came to New York it meant that Zoey could visit Scotty. No matter what business her mother had in the city with her job, she always made sure Zoey had the chance to visit Scotty. Zoey brought all her Super Buddies toys with her and her favorite movie.

After they played with the toys and watched the movie they moved onto playing Hide And Go Seek. Scotty was it and Zoey ran to hide. She ended up in a room with a lot of gadgets and machines. She hid under the desk. Giggles came from her. Scotty would never find her here.

Zoey waited for what seemed a long time. Maybe she had hid too well and Scotty got tired of looking for her and was doing something else. Maybe he gave up and she would be waiting here all day. Maybe she should go see what he was doing.

She crawled out from under the desk. It was time to go find...what was that glowing square thing? It looked NEAT.

Zoey moved the chair over to it and climbed up on the chair. Pretty!

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 04:36 am UTC (link)
"I just teleport away before they can eat me. And the flying thing helps of course. Are you one of those superheroes in New York?" He can't remember most of their names, he really hasn't kept up in the last few years so he takes a shot at asking.

"Dr. Strange is the best there is," Martin says very seriously and with such finality that it's clear he won't take anyone arguing with that statement.

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 04:46 am UTC (link)
"It's a bit complicated but you could definitely says that in my homeland."

"Not sure how he would react to calls from Mercenaries on minor magical issues."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 04:58 am UTC (link)
"Cool. I'm a sorcerer...but that's obvious. What's your homeland?"

Martin frowns, "And it's because he's the best that you don't need to ask him that stuff."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 05:06 am UTC (link)
"Yes I did manage to pick up on that. Symkaria. I'm kind of a big deal there."

"Yes though It's nice not to bother him about the little stuff if we don't have too."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 05:21 am UTC (link)
"Sorry I don't know much about that place. Are you like a state head or something?"

"Dr. Strange should only be bothered about the really big things. Not just anyone can ask him for help you know," he says with a touch of pride. He's well aware Dr. Strange is a big deal in magic circles, which only makes him prouder to be the man's student.

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 05:25 am UTC (link)
"More Heir Apparent and I help run the business the keeps the countries economy good."

"Hence why we usually talk to the Gypsies. Don't usually have issues more serious than that," Nicolai says. SSI very rarely had those problems.

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 05:28 am UTC (link)
"Nice, what business is that? It seems like an important job."

Martin gives him a look before nodding in approval, "Good. He has a lot to do already."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 05:35 am UTC (link)
"Silver Sable International."

"It sound you have some personal experience in that regard," Nicolai says thinking.

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 05:39 am UTC (link)
"Don't know what that is. What do you guys do?"

Martin smiles proudly and points to himself, "I'm Dr. Strange's student! I help him out a lot and he teaches me a bunch of stuff."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 05:44 am UTC (link)
"We're a mercenary company," Nicolai says, "We have a lot of contracts around the world with various governments and organizations. Started off with the Wild Pack hunting Nazis."

"Very Impressive. Sounds like you are both making out well from that."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 05:51 am UTC (link)
"That's pretty cool. You guys must be good to get that much business. I know people who I'm pretty sure used to do stuff like that, but why'd you come here? Contract Nazi hunting?"

"Thanks," he beams, "I'm still learning of course but I'm very grateful for Dr. Strange. He's a very good mentor, and very busy."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 01:02 pm UTC (link)
"The best," Nicolai says with a grin full of pride. "We have an office here that I'm helping to run and I've started working with the Avengers."

"As I would expect from a man such as Doctor Strange," Nicolai says with a nod, "It is always nice to have good mentors."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 03:32 pm UTC (link)
"The Avengers?" He wracks his brain trying to recall what he knows about the current team. "Oh! Iron girl has a friend on that team, that's all I know. But you must be pretty good to be on the Avengers. Although I could've taken on that T-Rex on my own," Martin smiles.

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 05:46 pm UTC (link)
"I have more than a few tricks I can use," Nicolai says, "So yes I am very good." He honestly wasn't bragging he was just stating a fact as he knew it.

"I have not doubts about that. Magic is pretty powerful."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 08:04 pm UTC (link)
"Of course magic is powerful," he says matter-of-factly, clearly thinking he's stating the obvious to the guy.

"But thanks I guess. If you find any more of these dinosaurs give me a heads up."

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Re: Central Park
2012-01-29 11:39 pm UTC (link)
"Indeed," Nicolai says, "I'll let you know if I see any more of those."

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