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nextgen_citizen ([info]nextgen_citizen) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-01-11 16:48:00

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Entry tags:lord deathstrike, plot-"the eternal serpent", sunset

A Distasteful Reunion
Warden Hideki Kanemoto didn't want to do it, but they couldn't afford to pass up on this chance. After years..the families could finally have closure. He called BH6 headquarters, asking for Agent Sunset.

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2012-01-12 10:11 pm UTC (link)
"Ever see Silence of the Lambs, Kobayashi-san? Ever hear of quid-pro-quo?"

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2012-01-12 10:13 pm UTC (link)
"...I've seen it. Ask your question." This creature cannot hurt her. Amiko knows well that the grief never truly ends, but the boy's family deserves everything they can get.

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2012-01-12 10:20 pm UTC (link)
"Excellent, glad to see you're still reasonable after all these years. Let's see..from secret agent to super hero to leader of Japan's premiere superhero team." His eyes narrow in interest. "And let's not forget the burden you bear as the eldest child of the legendary Wolverine and everything that that ties into." he leans forward as much as he can. "How are you coping, Amiko-san?"

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2012-01-12 10:23 pm UTC (link)
"Well enough, thank you. Obviously, I do not always commemorate anniversaries the way my father traditionally has, but he agrees there is no point in cutting a man open if he's just going to enjoy it."

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2012-01-12 10:29 pm UTC (link)
Marcus nods in a sage-like manner. "True, true. He sounds like a wise man." He leans back again. "Very well then." He looks at a young officer who had a notepad and pen on him who seemed to be doing his best to remain stoic. "Try to keep up and listen good, my Japanese isn't perfect." And he proceeds to give them an address of an abandoned factory. "The body's hidden behind an extra wall I put in."

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2012-01-12 10:33 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you, Mr. Bowman. And Inoue Tatsuki, mother of two with the custard yellow dress. Is she there, too?"

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2012-01-12 10:41 pm UTC (link)
His head leans back on the chair, his face a picture of thought. He looks back. "I believe I know who you're talking about. Woman with a very, and I do mean very, traditional father. Seemed no matter how hard she tried, she'd never be good enough. All because she was born a woman. What do the Chinese call them? Thieves in the night, yes? Sorry, got off track. No, she's not there."

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2012-01-12 10:48 pm UTC (link)
"Whatever the father was like, the family as a whole should get her ashes. I think you've got a 'better' question for me than the correct use of Chinese cliche. Let's hear it, Mr. Bowen."

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2012-01-12 10:56 pm UTC (link)
"Fair enough, Kobayashi-san. You hear very interesting talk while in these places. Why just recently I hear rumor that you had taken an agent of the Hand under your protection." His face becomes one of incomprehension. Whether it was real or not was hard to say. "Now I don't claim to be an expert on local underworld lore, but I was under the impression that it was the Hand that murdered your mother to begin with. Protecting an agent of theirs seems an odd decision."

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2012-01-12 10:58 pm UTC (link)
"Then don't think of it as protection. Think of it as stealing. Still one less Hand agent in the world, but I can use him against them."

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2012-01-12 11:03 pm UTC (link)
"Perhaps, but that must be frightfully awkward, especially since by definition Hand agents tend to be murderers a hundred times over. Believe me Kobayashi-san, I know what I'm talking about. However, I know you know more of the greater good than I do. What's your next question?"

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2012-01-12 11:13 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not arguing your expertise on murder, Mr. Bowen. Where is Inoue-san's body?"

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2012-01-12 11:20 pm UTC (link)
"Inside the foundations of a building that was just being constructed at the time." He gives an address. "You'll want some heavy digging equipment."

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2012-01-12 11:50 pm UTC (link)

A pause.

"What was your count, Mr. Bowen?"

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2012-01-13 12:18 am UTC (link)
"Uh uh, it's my turn for a question, Kobayashi-san." He seems to consider a moment. "I've have odd dreams as of late. I've seen things that are both frightening and..invigorating," he said with a sick smile. "Do you believe the world will end this year?"

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2012-01-13 12:19 am UTC (link)
"I don't think it's any more likely than any other year."

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2012-01-13 12:24 am UTC (link)
"Oh ho ho, but I've seen it!" He said with a manic glee. "The end's coming! This world's going to be swallowed up by a force almost as old as the world itself! I can feel it!" He abruptly calms. "But I have a question to answer. Only three others. You won't find them."

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2012-01-13 12:28 am UTC (link)
"You're a big fan of annihilation. Not exactly shocking. What will you tell me about the others."

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2012-01-13 12:32 am UTC (link)
"Not meant to be shocking now, Kobayashi-san. I know you don't believe me, but I'd feel bad if I didn't at least bring it up." He smiles. "There's a rather large vat of acid used in the industrial district. That's as close as you'll get. Do you want the address?"

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2012-01-13 12:35 am UTC (link)
"Not exactly a chance to get the ashes, but I'll take it. End of the world, huh? Your subconscious give you a date?"

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2012-01-13 12:42 am UTC (link)
"Very practical." he gives the address of the vat. He shrugs. "Regrettably no, but it's going to be sooner than you think."

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2012-01-13 12:55 am UTC (link)
"I live in fear, Mr. Bowen. I live in fear." She's dry, but she'd like to get the heck away from this man now.

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2012-01-13 01:02 am UTC (link)
"Nice to see again, Kobayashi-san!" He calls out to her. "Something tells me it won't be nearly as long until we see each other again!" And he simply chuckles as the guards take him back into custody.

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