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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-12-25 19:59:00

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Entry tags:awesome andrea, mac rider, team - fantastic four

Up On the Rooftop (F4)
Christmas. Yule. Saturnalia. Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Many cultures have celebrated and still celebrate a winter festival. There have been many names for it over the millennia. No matter the name it is a time to come together and celebrate with feasts and gifts with friends and loved ones.

Each culture has a legendary figure who would deliver gifts to children during this time. In Russia and some Slavic cultures he is known as Ded Moroz, Grandfather Frost, and comes not on Christmas but on New Year’s along with his granddaughter Snegurochka, or ‘”Snow Maiden”. In the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe he is known as Father Christmas. In the Netherlands and Belgium he is known as Saint Nicholas or “Sinterklaas” and in France he is known as Père Noël. In the United States we know him as Santa Claus.

No matter the name or who is delivering gifts, it is the season of peace, joy and togetherness. It is the season for thinking about loved ones, friends and those less fortunate. It is a time to witness the goodness and generosity the human race is capable of. It is a time for peace on Earth and goodwill toward man.

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2011-12-26 01:55 am UTC (link)
Andrea, of course, celebrated Hanukkah, but was quite good on gifts for all concerned. An assortment of books, ties, and Mets merchandise for her father; assorted gifts for the Richards, Storms, Grimms, and Vernards (with especial attention paid to the children).

And, of course, there was Vincent, who was harder to shop for, but whom she settled on biographies of his scientific heroes, a photo album of pictures from the most recent adventures taken from her personal camera, and a small set of gift cards.

Mac received season tickets for his teams, and a copy of the swimsuit calendar she had posed for.

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2011-12-26 04:50 am UTC (link)
Mac was... quite, quite grateful for his presents. He'd tried to go traditional from what little he knew of Hannukah and go with money. So he gave her a different kind of coin each night, from an old Atlantean drachma to an old american Silver Dollar, to some Kree, Badoon -- Sisterhood, of course! -- and Shi'ar currency.

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