She smiled. She knew Halbjorn really believed that, and she loved him for it. "Thank you, Hal... it's funny. I don't worry quite the way Svalin does. No bad guys are getting the hands on Solver. Not with you two around." It'd be over Svalin and Hal's dead bodies, Vernique's sure. Which means it wouldn't happen, 'cause those two took on all comers. It'd take the Hulk or something to bring Halbjorn down.
"...He's so smart, you know?" she says softly. "I can already tell; he does all the neurological stuff ahead of the baby books timeline, and he's... just really smart. He could be whatever he wants, except he won't, because he's a god, and he's choreographed even if the entire choreography concept is fuzzy all of a sudden..."
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