It's About Time. (slightly bendytimed)
Keiji was making a full recovery, though he still shouldn't go outside yet.
Kayura's latest Incident had been tidied up. Everyone had something for which to be grateful; Amiko, for one, rejoiced that she did not attract ogres and had never had a blind date.
After her talk with Keiji a few days ago... Amiko sat alone and realized how sick she was of keeping secrets from her father. She put in for a couple of days off, making many, many provisions for the team's organization and safety before she left. She hated leaving them, but this was something she had to do in person... after a lot of showers and laundry. She had to tell him, not any kind of residual smell.
And then, she did something she really hated: bought a plane ticket for New York.
She managed to pull up in the taxi to the school at a time when no one was attacking the place.
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