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weakerlink ([info]weakerlink) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-09 13:55:00

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Entry tags:hajime, kayura yagyu, sunset

Just what she didn't need
Kayura had been hounded by her Uncle to go to dinner with him at this new place. It was driving her up the wall how much he was trying to get her to go out more and socialize. She didn't have time for that. Between training, school, monster hunting, and whatever the Big Hero Six needed she had little time for herself and liked to try and stay home to relax and unwind.

But he had made this new place sound like fun. She figured she could at least go and meet him there, share a meal and maybe talk. Then she could go home and just take a long soak.

So there she was at a table he had reserved sipping water and wondering over this whole thing. The table was oddly placed in her mind's eye and this place didn't have the feel of somewhere her Uncle would like to go normally. Just what the heck is up?

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2011-11-11 04:16 am UTC (link)
He learned in with a grin, "You got any of that Sake...?"

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2011-11-11 04:18 am UTC (link)
And the Orge waiter gets annoyed and suddenly hits Brand with his serving tray.


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2011-11-11 04:20 am UTC (link)
He goes flying, toppling straight out of his chair as a high pitched scream of terror goes through the resturant as he scrambles away, diving under a table.

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2011-11-11 04:22 am UTC (link)
Kayura comes out in full armor just in time to see that.

Oh my. Should she be upset? Really?

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2011-11-11 04:29 am UTC (link)
The restaurant wasn't that far. It doesn't take long to get there. Amiko doesn't know the situation, so she steps in calmly, gauging the crowd.... and the .... ogre wait staff...

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2011-11-11 04:34 am UTC (link)
For Ogres they're very well coordinated and mannered for the most part. One looks up from a book as he s waiting towards the entrance.

"Good evening. Do you have reservations with us?"

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2011-11-11 04:51 am UTC (link)
Amiko flashed her documentation. "Agent Sunset, BH6. We've had report of a disturbance."

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2011-11-11 04:53 am UTC (link)
The Orge stares at the paper work then at Amiko.

"No reservation! You leave." And he moves to grab her intending on tossing her out.

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2011-11-11 04:56 am UTC (link)
Hajime steps forward now, previously having been content to observe and let Amiko handle it. It was a social matter, after all. But now she's being thrown out... not allowed.

He steps in, placing a hand on the ogre's wrist. "I believe you are mistaken."

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2011-11-11 05:00 am UTC (link)
Okay, that settled that. The ogres did not retain the unaffected minds of the wait staff, at least not entirely, she steps back to let Hajime handle that one while she scans the crowd for Agent Penumbra.

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2011-11-11 05:03 am UTC (link)
Agent Penumbra? Well she's trying to talk down an Ogre who is trying to attack a table. She might hate her date but it'd be bad to let him get killed.

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2011-11-11 05:06 am UTC (link)
"No! You not have reservation either," his speech is starting to break down. "You go or me hit you."

The one Kayura is dealing with growls loudly. "No. Want to crush dumb man. He's rude and not nice. Make him go away!"

The other waiter ogres seem to be largely uninterested in fighting for now.

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2011-11-11 05:09 am UTC (link)
Hajime leaves his hand on the beast's wrist. "I am a samurai of the realm, and my lady is a very important woman. She has whatever reservation is needed. This behavior is insulting. Please see to it she has a table and tea and do not force me to injure you. I would prefer to be polite."

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2011-11-11 05:22 am UTC (link)
A long moment passes and the Ogre pulls back a bit to adjust his jacket. Something about what Hajime said triggered something in the Ogre. He seems less likely to strike for the moment.

"No tables are clear yet."

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2011-11-11 05:30 am UTC (link)
Hajime bows. "That is acceptable. Please see to it she is able to look around the establishment, and has tea while she waits." he replies formally. "We shall make certain your good manners in this matter are reported in a favorable comment to your superior."

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2011-11-11 05:32 am UTC (link)
"Of course, I don't mind waiting." Amiko nods, smiling to Hajime. They have to figure out what's happened to these people. She heads to Kayura.

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2011-11-11 05:40 am UTC (link)
The Ogre nods happily. "Thank you my Lady. I'll have tea brought while you wait."

He peers when he sees his brother Ogre arguing loudly with Kayura. Oh dear. He glances at Hajime. "I hope you are not offended. We had a very rude customer. My little brother over reacts to rudeness. His young lady friend seemed really annoyed."

The waiter Ogre is loudly insiting he wants to smash the man. "No! Don't like rude man! He can't even tell difference between Japan and China! He should go away. Leave nice restaurant for nice people."

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2011-11-11 05:42 am UTC (link)
"Please sir, peace. I understand you're very upset," Kayura is trying so hard to be diplomatic. "But you're much bigger than him. If you hit him you might hurt him a great deal.... does that sound very fair?"

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2011-11-11 05:53 am UTC (link)
Hajime nods. "These things happen." he agrees. "Perhaps you would allow me to do my job as samurai, and escort the rude customer out while you see to valued, honorable customers?" he offers, already heading towards the man on the ground. "He was likely just drunk... certain things can be excused when drunk, yes?"

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2011-11-12 03:14 am UTC (link)
the Ogre seems to ponder this. Then decides to agree because the samurai seems both dangerous and reasonable all at once. "Thank you kindly."

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2011-11-12 03:27 am UTC (link)
Hajime nods politely, and moves towards the man on the ground.

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