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weakerlink ([info]weakerlink) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-09 13:55:00

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Just what she didn't need
Kayura had been hounded by her Uncle to go to dinner with him at this new place. It was driving her up the wall how much he was trying to get her to go out more and socialize. She didn't have time for that. Between training, school, monster hunting, and whatever the Big Hero Six needed she had little time for herself and liked to try and stay home to relax and unwind.

But he had made this new place sound like fun. She figured she could at least go and meet him there, share a meal and maybe talk. Then she could go home and just take a long soak.

So there she was at a table he had reserved sipping water and wondering over this whole thing. The table was oddly placed in her mind's eye and this place didn't have the feel of somewhere her Uncle would like to go normally. Just what the heck is up?

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