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Amiko Kobayashi ([info]hotlittlehands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-08 18:07:00

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Entry tags:hajime, lord deathstrike, plot-"the eternal serpent", sunset

A Normal Evening Out.
Amiko called Hajime and Keiji into her office. "Gentleman, I have a suggestion it's possible neither of you will be comfortable with, but I want you to humor me."

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2011-11-10 07:55 am UTC (link)
"I'm fine. Not a scratch. But I tried to take two of my guys out to dinner tonight, and the Hand put one of them in the hospital. Poisoned weapons." Logan will understand why Amiko's just a tiny bit sensitive about that subject. "Hajime and I took the bastard down, and I got the antidote off of him -- I may have used your reputation as Death on Two Legs to help fluster him, Sir. Hope you don't mind." There's a strained smile in her voice at the end.

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2011-11-10 08:06 am UTC (link)
"The rep's slippin' if it only flustered him. Gotta do somethin' about that." He rubbed his face while he took mental count of the people on her team. The samurai was part of the take down, so the other one... "The kid got tagged? Was he the target?"

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2011-11-10 08:11 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. They were mad enough at the whole 'dropping the suicidal vendetta' thing; the 'conditionally pardoned and working for the government' thing isn't sitting any better. Keiji's going to pull through okay. He'd better, I gave him a direct order about it. Ths prisoner's pretty keen on making sure we know they're not going to stop anytime soon. Always nice of them to RSVP."

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2011-11-10 08:18 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, that retirement plan of theirs doesn't really give anybody a choice. They're attackin' government agents. The government got anythin' to say about it?"

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2011-11-10 08:25 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, they haven't been interested in giving him choices since he was born; I've been drilling it into his head that they exist. Well, I've got a meeting tomorrow. They'll probably reconfigure security slightly and follow what leads against the Hand they have. Probably try to get more information out of the prisoner, but he's a religious fanatic..." A slight chuckle. "I did love Hajime's suggestion, though; apparently, back in his day, if they got a member of what evolved into the Hand, they'd cut his hands off just to be sure, then threaten to release him in public with very loud thanks for his cooperation if he didn't cooperate."

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2011-11-10 08:35 am UTC (link)
"I'd send the hands back to the Hand, but they wouldn't get it." The Hand so close to his Amiko made him grit his teeth so he didn't start issuing orders that she'd ignore. And she was talking about the kid a lot. He didn't like her exposed to that band of jokers.

"If they're still a problem when I come to visit, I'm cleanin' house."

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2011-11-10 08:45 am UTC (link)
"No, they don't have much sense of humor either," she said wryly. "Although we've been working on Keiji." Oh gods, voice getting tender. Can't tell him everything yet. Move conversation along. "Understood, Sir. I don't want to drag my people into an open gang war just yet; Grogg, the historian, and the robot aren't suited for the Hand's level of garbage. I'll keep you posted. How are the boys?"

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2011-11-10 09:02 am UTC (link)
"War's not suited for everybody," Logan said frankly. "Some of us are better at handlin' it. You keep me in the loop."

The boys, right. He'd forgotten about them during the conversation about the Hand, poison, his little girl who wasn't so little anymore and yet he still thought she needed more protection now than she had years before. "They're doin' okay. David's catchin' up. Mikey's still keepin' a low profile."

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2011-11-10 09:13 am UTC (link)
"Yes, Sir. Just as a point of information, even with a man down and some best kept from this, I do still have the second-best samurai in the world obsessively watching my back and needing to be reminded of the concept of taking the bad guys alive. Just because I'm a grown-up now doesn't mean I'm being sloppy. I'm glad the boys are doing well. I hope you have a good day, Sir."

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