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Amiko Kobayashi ([info]hotlittlehands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-08 18:07:00

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Entry tags:hajime, lord deathstrike, plot-"the eternal serpent", sunset

A Normal Evening Out.
Amiko called Hajime and Keiji into her office. "Gentleman, I have a suggestion it's possible neither of you will be comfortable with, but I want you to humor me."

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2011-11-10 06:03 am UTC (link)
The pain is instant as Yuji flinches from the affect on him. "You can't do this! You people don't kill! You don't have the stomach for murder." Still, the pain was very convincing.

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2011-11-10 06:09 am UTC (link)
"I am Kobayashi Amiko of the Clan Yashida," she says, stonefaced, voice flat enough to match Hajime's earlier. "Daughter of Logan. Tell me again what I don't have the stomach for."

It's best to let her Father's reputation with the Hand speak for itself.

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2011-11-10 06:13 am UTC (link)
"Logan!?" He hissed through clenched teeth. "Oyama was to be the instrument to finally kill that troublesome animal!" Yuji gritted his teeth from the pain, whispering to the Beast to grant him the strength to endure this.

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2011-11-10 06:17 am UTC (link)
"Yes. The Jonin started up these games again. And he lost. So I kept his pet for myself. But then the Jonin sent you here to spoil my night, and so I'm just watching. It's turning out to be so dull, maybe it's not worth the trouble it'll take to clean it up. But it's too late now."

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2011-11-10 06:23 am UTC (link)
He growled at the woman's arrogance. The pain tore through. He did not want to die such an ignoble death at the hands of his own weapon.

"He betrayed..the Hand. It had..nothing to do with you! Regardless, you won't prevent it for long."

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2011-11-10 06:28 am UTC (link)
Amiko makes a dismissive noise. "Please. I've seen this before. Operatives started coming after him as soon as he had information the jonin didn't want him to have. This is a game between people, not ideologies. I'll happily take the next pawn, too."

She casually sets the sash, including the vials within it, on the table, like she just doesn't want to hold it anymore, as one of the guards -- a friend who won't get on her case about enhanced interrogation techniques -- comes in.

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2011-11-10 06:35 am UTC (link)
"All you'll do is..increase the force arrayed against you." He tried to sound defiant, but with the antidote so close by. He tries not to look at the sash, at the temptation for him to give in. In a second of weakness he glances at the vial second from the right, but quickly resumes his defiant stance. "Kobaysahi eh? An unfortunate family you've found yourself a part of. Two mothers who are both killed, and a third who is little better than us."

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2011-11-10 06:42 am UTC (link)
She follows his eyes and scoops up the vial. If he's looking to see the pain of her losses in her eyes, he'll be disappointed. She saves showing that for people who matter.
"Yukio's done horrific things, but you're right. She's better than you. It's not all she knows." Amiko smiles to her guard friend. "Give him a painkiller, please. He'll be fine in a minute. I've got to get one of my men back in fighting shape for the next round of these losers."

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2011-11-10 06:44 am UTC (link)
"What? You tricked me!? You miserable witch! I will see you buried with Oyama! Do you hear me!?"

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2011-11-10 06:47 am UTC (link)
Amiko chuckles. "Yeah, I did. You know the part about how I'm always going to win? That's true. And if somehow I don't, then just you wait until my father gets home."

And she gathers up the sash and is gone.

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