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Amiko Kobayashi ([info]hotlittlehands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-08 18:07:00

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Entry tags:hajime, lord deathstrike, plot-"the eternal serpent", sunset

A Normal Evening Out.
Amiko called Hajime and Keiji into her office. "Gentleman, I have a suggestion it's possible neither of you will be comfortable with, but I want you to humor me."

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2011-11-09 02:44 am UTC (link)
He nods. "Organizations like their are very persistent. Their roots, from what I understand of them, were around in my day... and have not learned for 700 years, Amiko-sama. Do not worry, I will stop as many assassins as it takes." Or die trying, but as long as he lives, killing his lord is not an option.

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2011-11-09 02:52 am UTC (link)
Amiko takes a deep breath. "I know you will, Hajime. You're the second-greatest samurai I've ever known." With Amiko's personal prejudice, second-greatest is the highest anyone can attain. "Thank you, and if you will please get the other side of him so we can check on Keiji without leaving him unattended...."

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2011-11-09 03:10 am UTC (link)
Hajime nods, removing his belt to bind the assassin's hands very firmly high up on his back to make sure he can't get to his sash, trusting that there would be more poisoned shuriken hidden in it if he tried to use their attacker's clothing as ties. He can be searched later.

As soon as he has him bound securely, he helps heft him so they can check on Keiji.

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