nextgen_orochi (![]() ![]() |
Yuji Ashida had been shadowing the three from the rooftops. Oyama rarely left BH6 headquarters, and rarely alone. Jonin Akira was growing impatient, which meant Yuji had to act now lest he incur the old man's wrath. He used a minor spell to further mask his movements until he reached what was likely to be the perfect spot.
He removed the shruiken from his tunic. Each edge was coated with a lethal poison that would bring someone of even Oyama's pain threshold a crippling death. With the weapon fit snugly between his finger, Yuji smirked from his perch.
"Sayonara, Deathrike-sama." He flung the weapon straight at Keiji.
He removed the shruiken from his tunic. Each edge was coated with a lethal poison that would bring someone of even Oyama's pain threshold a crippling death. With the weapon fit snugly between his finger, Yuji smirked from his perch.
"Sayonara, Deathrike-sama." He flung the weapon straight at Keiji.
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