"The kiss. Sometimes things get weird after two friends...you know, or so I've been told." Anya had been out on dates in her life, but most of those were with boys who just wanted to be seen with her because of who she was. The paparazzi was like a second shadow. The one time she got intimate with a guy, well that didn't go well at all.
"I mean it was just a kiss and not like...." Heat rose to her cheeks. She had an unnatural ability to keep digging herself deeper the more she talked sometimes. "I've always thought you were hot and all and since
that burger and subsequent ones, but you're you and I'm me and there's bound to be a heart attack on one side or another and...."
She sighed.
"Oh hell. I'm babbling."
She could stand in front of a group of people and talk about zero point energy until she passed out, but she couldn't even finish a damn sentence tonight. The alcohol probably didn't help, but the longer she sat here the clearer her head became and even that wasn't helping her any.
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