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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-29 00:59:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, crosshairs, team - thunderbolts

Mad Genius At Work (Open)
Anya was in the kitchen, not cooking (that was important), sitting at the table. She had come in for a drink, but a shock of static electricity had inspired her. She grabbed parts and tools and sat down at the table and started working. Many hours and a night of missed sleep, she held a small device in her hand. It was in the shape of a gun, but it wasn't your typical gun.

Normally she wasn't the inventing type like her dad, but inspiration had struck.

Now she had one problem. She needed to test the thing. She looked around.

Not the coffeemaker. It was the one appliance Anya could touch and not have it explode into flames. The stove. Her arch nemesis. The thing was begging to be destroyed.

Anya squeezed the trigger and an arc of electricity shot out from the small weapon. The stove was engulfed in white-blue electricity. Wicked. It worked. Unfortunately the stove didn't catch fire or blow up, but the weapon worked. It was a non-lethal way to take out people.

Now she just had to test it on a person.

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2011-10-29 07:58 pm UTC (link)
"Well, if you're taking requests, I want you to dress as Lara Croft, or a random cowgirl... except, you know, without the shirt... or shorts... you know, just like them... with a hostler. Then shoot me. But if we're just going weapons testing, and you need a human target, I can play bullseye. Or Bullseye... you'd make a hot scantily clad ninja-chick too."

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2011-10-29 08:17 pm UTC (link)
"I can test this on you?" she asked. This was insane. Then again the argument about Kelly being insane could be made.

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2011-10-29 08:57 pm UTC (link)
"Well yes, of course. Like I said, it'd be so much more awesome if you indulged me a little and got dressed for the occasion, but you can totally shoot me."

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2011-10-29 09:28 pm UTC (link)
"I'll put it on the lowest setting," Anya said and moved the dial on the side of the grip. "Maybe next time I'll wear my chainmail bikini for you."

With that she zapped Kelly.

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2011-10-29 09:38 pm UTC (link)
There's a moment of muscle paralysis, slight shaking, and then the kick before she smashes back into the wall.

And then comes the grin. "Mmm, what a rush! Its still tinging. Want to go get that bikini, turn it up a few notches, and make next time soon?"

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2011-10-29 09:41 pm UTC (link)
Anya chuckled. "I'm good for tests right now. I just wanted to make sure it actually worked. How do you feel?"

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2011-10-29 09:48 pm UTC (link)
"Awww, you shoot once and you're done? Where's your stamina, woman?" she teases. "But since this is for science, I feel great. Gets the blood moving!"

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2011-10-29 09:59 pm UTC (link)
Anya giggled. "So if you didn't have the fancy healing power, do you think you'd be knocked out on the ground?" Anya asked.

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2011-10-29 10:23 pm UTC (link)
Weapons rating. She can do that. "Nope. Slowed down, muscles twitching, a little disoriented. Definitely not enough juice to knock out a grown adult."

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2011-10-29 10:28 pm UTC (link)
"Cool," she said. "Thanks by the way. It's not everyday I have a living being to test it on."

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2011-10-29 10:50 pm UTC (link)
"You could bribe me to help with any of your weapon systems, Red."

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2011-10-29 11:03 pm UTC (link)
"I usually don't develop weapons, but I'll keep it in mind if I make more." Anya smiled. "Thanks. Here," she said and threw the gun at Kelly. "You can field test it for me. Just leave it on the two lowest settings for now."

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2011-10-29 11:07 pm UTC (link)
She catches the gun with an expression of pure glee. "We should be lab buddies on one of these. I love weapons and explosives engineering."

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2011-10-30 01:13 am UTC (link)
"I'll only develop non-lethal weapons," Anya said. "Mostly for riot and crowd control, but I'll gladly accept any help."

"Speaking of help, feel up to helping me decorate the place for Halloween?"

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