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nextgen_cosmic ([info]nextgen_cosmic) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-28 18:34:00

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Entry tags:david roberts, fred mccoy, misha loganovich, plot-"heir to the throne", rachel summers, starbridge, team - guardians of the galaxy, team - x-men, tsunami

When Aliens Attack!
The ship exited the space-warp behind Earth's Moon. It carried the whole of a civilization long thought extinct. The civilization was one bent on the destruction of the Shi'ar race and its empire. Today would be the first salvo in their efforts to achieve their goals.

"We have arrived at Earth," Brother said to Eldest.

"Excellent. Prepare the assault team. I want the prince killed before the day is over," Eldest said and left the bridge. He had planned for this day for so long. They would finally eradicate the cursed Shi'ar from existence.

A few moments later three smaller ships exited from the larger ship and sped toward Earth. They entered the atmosphere and headed toward their destination in New York state. Eldest looked on with anticipation. It was exhilarating to finally take action against their ancient enemy.

Once they were close enough they opened fire. The blasts weren't to destroy the buildings on the ground, but more to cause confusion. Eldest wasn't about to kill the prince from a distance. He wanted the honor of killing the Shi'ar prince up close and personal.

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2011-11-02 10:36 pm UTC (link)
Cait drew more water from the lake and formed a thick column of ice around two and made it rise high up into the air. Arms and legs were sticking out of the ice and it appeared they were trapped. For the moment.

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2011-11-02 10:59 pm UTC (link)
The others had some kind of connection to the leader. Somehow he doubted his current landlords would appreciate him killing them out of necessity. Instead he leaped, breaking a sizable limb off a nearby tree. Grabbing it, he makes several quick strides, attempting to knock out as many brothers as possible in the hope unconsciousness would take their power from the leader.

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2011-11-02 11:51 pm UTC (link)
Dammit, what the hell was going on here? No threats, no monologue-ing, just random violence? Totally not fair.

Her TK screens held against the blasts, thankfully.

She reached out, grabbing the ground underneath the big one, lifting.

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2011-11-03 12:41 am UTC (link)
Someone is shooting at Rachel! Torn Ear flees form the alien attacking him now, getting clipped on the shoulder as his withdrawal isn't as cautious as it should be, and throws himself at the leader.

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2011-11-03 10:02 pm UTC (link)
David pulls back his fist and punches the alien. His face is a mask of fury he did not like being picked up.

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2011-11-05 06:45 pm UTC (link)
Starbridge, once her recovers from the shock of sheer Bad Feelings, though not quite a vision, goes after one of the attackers as well, though he knows he's not that much use, one taloned hand lashing out

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2011-11-05 11:01 pm UTC (link)
The blue blasts hit, but thanks to the upgrades, the suit's operating system held with only a blink in power.

He powered up again and directed it to the armor surface as he took a dive toward the Eldest.

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2011-11-06 12:14 am UTC (link)
The others fell back a bit and let Eldest fight.

The one David attacked didn't flinch at the punch. He wasn't as strong or durable as Eldest, but enough that the punch had little effect. He threw the boy toward one of the other Earthlings.

Fred hit a few and they were knocked back, but they weren't knocked unconscious.

Eldest jumped the ground started rumbling and landed a good distance away from where he started. Torn Ear would find empty air and the Earth coming up to meet him.

Eldest turned to face the incoming armor wearer. He stood his ground and waited. A hand went up to stop any energy attacks and he unleashed a blast from his other hand.

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2011-11-06 12:17 am UTC (link)
Cait pulled more water from the lake and encased the leader's legs in ice from the waist down. She knew he could break out of it, but it would delay him for a few seconds.

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2011-11-06 01:08 am UTC (link)
"Dammit," Rachel hissed, instantly releasing her tk grip.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

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2011-11-07 12:42 am UTC (link)
The onboard computer took evasive action out of Misha's control to avoid the blast. He managed to stay as close to target as possible to unleash the charge building up on the armor skin. He wasn't sure if he managed to make contact to really zap it.

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2011-11-07 02:18 am UTC (link)
Torn Ear is nearly clobbered by the rising earth, before it stops, landing clumsily and turning on the nearest alien that is not Starbridge, yowling madly.

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2011-11-08 01:05 am UTC (link)
Fred swung at a few others with the makeshift club. "Are they giving off any unusual energy? Anything that could indicate a weakness!?"

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2011-11-08 10:36 pm UTC (link)
"Argh!" David goes flying past Fred. He can feel pain through out his back from the throw but jumps to his feet quickly. He wobbles due to wind getting knocked from his lungs.

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2011-11-08 10:41 pm UTC (link)
Starbridge is still trying to take one of hte smaller attackers hand-to-hand, when suddenly his head goes back, eyes glazing...

What a terrible time to have vision.


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2011-11-09 12:29 am UTC (link)
Eldest heard the cry from the prince and rushed forward. The ice around his legs shattered and the shock from the armored guy was shrugged off as well as all other attacks.

He reached out to grab Starbridge.

The ones that were hit by Fred's club were knocked back a bit.

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2011-11-09 12:44 am UTC (link)
Okay, yeah? That, wasn't happened.

Rachel's tk field keeping her aloft became more flamelike, more birdlike.

She released a burst of power at Eldest. "Keep. Your Hands. Off. My. Boyfriend!"

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2011-11-09 01:31 am UTC (link)
Torn Ear swings his hammers at another one of the underlings, before wheeling around as Rachel flares to relief. A feral smile stretches his lips and his ears flick forward as he pounces at another target.

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2011-11-09 09:47 pm UTC (link)
Cait formed three large water tentacles and used them to grab three of the aliens. She whipped them back and they went flying through the air and into the lake.

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2011-11-09 09:50 pm UTC (link)
Starbridge is still too disoriented to do his best acrobatic dodging, but fortunately his Beautiful Talented Amazing Radiant girlfriend steps in. He's... going to run like a sissy closer to her as he tries to fathom his latest, highly fragmented vision.

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2011-11-10 02:29 pm UTC (link)
David would agree that's a smart plan Starbridge. David on the other hand makes a slight roar and tries to tackle one of the aliens.

He has spunk.

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2011-11-10 03:34 pm UTC (link)
Misha rebounded and fired on the nearest aliens.

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2011-11-10 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Well now, the display from Summers was certainly impressive. Maybe this wasn't so one-sided after-all. Still, the head-on approach was not working. He throws the makeshift club at the oncoming aliens. Wile distracted by it, Fred speeds around them to claws at the back of knees, hoping to minimize their fighting capabilities.

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