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weakerlink ([info]weakerlink) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-23 19:30:00

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Entry tags:clockwork, grogg, hajime, kayura yagyu, lord deathstrike, plot-"the lost village", sunset, team - big hero 6

And the locals treat us so well
Kayura slides out of her seat when they reach their destination. She brought a backpack with her that has several extra things in it. Everything is for the eventuality of something happening. The entire trip here she has been tense. She knows what has to happen and she doesn't like it at all.

"Amiko-san, according to the map the trail we need to take is just over there," Kayura announces as she glances up towards the tree line. The trail looks slightly over grown but almost natural as if it has always been there and looks wide enough for even Grogg.

Kayura rolled her shoulders again. She was very tense because she could feel something somewhat distant calling to her armor. She fights that feeling for now because she isn't ready and they need to find the village. They need to find it so they can try and save the missing people and cleanse that place of the taint.

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-01 09:27 pm UTC (link)
Grogg's jaw dropped in an exaggerated fashion. "Well, Grogg going to have to catch you!"

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-01 11:44 pm UTC (link)
Hajime settles in before the young man, getting down to more like his height. "Yes, please tell me what you know about what has happened here, and those who may have passed through."

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-02 02:18 am UTC (link)
The ghost children laugh then scatter.

"Come get us!"


"I'll do my best sir," the boy agrees. Then looks very grim faced. "Myself and the others trapped by this house are well aware that we are dead. The younger ones just like to pretend they don't remember. If you can escape please, you have to. I know it sounds wrong but.... One hundred and fifty-something years before we died a demon tried to break through. Apparently our ancestors found a way to bind it but didn't have the power to kill it from what I've learned they used a ritual that they never should have. The spirits of the selected sacrifices have been trapped there to be tormented by the demon."

The boy looks distressed by this. "A few years before this happened they attempted to use my sister. But it failed and she was left in a state between the living and the dead. It drove her mad and she threw herself into a well.... she could hear the demon taunting her I think."

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-02 02:45 am UTC (link)
Hajime nods. "We did not come here to escape. We are aware of some of what is going on, and have the means and additional resources your ancestors did not to attempt to let everyone rest. I have no intention of attempting to escape - but I must attempt to find my friends, aid them if I can, and help those with the means to end this for all of you. If you can give me any information on how any of this might be resolved, the demon, how I might aid your sister... and of these might help a good deal."

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-03 12:10 am UTC (link)
Grogg laughed and chased after one of them.

"Grogg going to get you! You see!"

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-09 12:42 am UTC (link)
"I understand.... Thank you." He gets up,.

"I know how you can get into the location where the Sacrifices are performed. That's where the demon is. I know that those of us waiting here will be able to leave when the adults roaming the village cross over. They can leave once they know the demon is gone. The priest will follow them..... I do not know about the doll maker though."

He moves towards a tree and reaches into some kind of hole and pulls out a very old key.

"Take this please. It's the spare key for the door."


They laugh and try to avoid Grogg.

But the one who he is chasing looks a little confused as he forgets he's a ghost at times.

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-09 12:50 am UTC (link)
Hajime nods, accepting the key. "Please, tell me the way. Grogg-san can watch over the children. He will do better as a protector than as a ghost hunter. Besides, I cannot begrudge him having fun."

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-09 12:53 am UTC (link)
Grogg just miiiight be catching up. "Grogg going to get you now!"

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-09 01:05 am UTC (link)
The boy begins to draw a rough map of the village in the dirt.

He points to a path going through the middle of the village. "Go this way. They wander the edges of the village. There is a group of trees here," he circles a small area.

"It looks like a shed attached to another of the homes. It goes down into a basement. Keep going and you will find the door that needs to be unlocked. The stairs lead down to the where the demon is."


"Oh no," the boy laughs then starts to run again.

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-09 01:11 am UTC (link)
Hajime memorizes the map, then bows. "I am in your debt, and will see to freeing you. Please... go play tag with Grogg-san and the others now. You will be free soon, and your last day should be a fun one."

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-09 01:53 am UTC (link)
Grogg kept up the pace. he was sooooooo close!

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Re: Grogg and Hajime meet the children
2011-11-09 02:38 pm UTC (link)
The boy bows then moves trying to not look terribly interested. But.... it's obvious that a child's game appeals to him.

Grogg is really close and there is a very healthy amount of giggling from the ghost children.

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