And the locals treat us so well
Kayura slides out of her seat when they reach their destination. She brought a backpack with her that has several extra things in it. Everything is for the eventuality of something happening. The entire trip here she has been tense. She knows what has to happen and she doesn't like it at all.
"Amiko-san, according to the map the trail we need to take is just over there," Kayura announces as she glances up towards the tree line. The trail looks slightly over grown but almost natural as if it has always been there and looks wide enough for even Grogg.
Kayura rolled her shoulders again. She was very tense because she could feel something somewhat distant calling to her armor. She fights that feeling for now because she isn't ready and they need to find the village. They need to find it so they can try and save the missing people and cleanse that place of the taint.
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