"You need to be prepared for anything with the ritual itself. We don't know exactly what it was, possibly to contain something as the village isn't there but the things around it are."
Kayura looks thoughtful. "It could be anything to a powerful demon or... something else. Another more powerful spirit. In the case of ghosts you have to find out what they need to pass over. Often times they'll have... requests. If they are still rational. It's..."
Kayura feels a sense of unease. "It's entirely possible that they're reliving whatever it was that killed them over and over again. Which means that they may be violent. They will view the living as their enemies so we have to calm them down. Thankfully if we have to we can fight them almost regularly. It's still not easy to fight an angry ghost. And if possible... I want Grogg. He'd be excellent for fighting a demon. I think Clockwork could manage a banishment ritual if it's a demon. He might also recognize things I wouldn't know on sight."
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