The trip to Kyoto
Kayura had gotten to work almost right away. She had some background information that had gotten her through several sources. She had been doing as much reading as she could to be sure about the Captain's family. She had found out that the men responsible for his death had been caught. Like she had suspected it was in part due to the remorse of one of the thieves who had felt guilty over the death of the Captain.
She could not though find out by whom. It left her glaring at the books and various other records as she continued her search. It would be nice to know who had officially finished the duty that Captain Ishii Had laid at her feet.
Finally she finds the rest of the details then groans. She can feel how tired she is now. But they still have to finish this once they have the last of the information. She will have to report her findings to Sempai when she returns to Tokyo.
"I know where I must go. I will be making offerings to a long dead family and delivering them news on their lost son and brother." She peers back at him.
"We are lucky. Nothing has happened so far."
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