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nextgen_asgard2 ([info]nextgen_asgard2) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-09-17 21:36:00

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Entry tags:aridis, crusader, firestorm, green lantern dex, halbjorn, jon kent, marlow, plot-"the divine right of kangs", svalin

The Battle for Everything (Sept 22nd-23rd)
Asgard. The Golden Realm. The Realm Eternal. One of the nine worlds. Home of the Norse gods. Darkness covered the land and the realm's inhabitants had retired for the evening. Peace and quiet had fallen over a land frequently subjected to strife and violence.

A blinding light shattered the darkness and Kang and his followers materialized from the portal. Kang took a second to survey the scene. The reshaping of worlds started here. Tonight he would have the one who would be a thorn in his side decades from now. Tonight gods would fall and die and the babe would be his. The last weapon to be collected and one that would help him reshape worlds in Kang's image.

"Kill them all," Kang said to his gathered forces collected from various worlds from various points in time.

The ones that had given the so-called-heroes the most problems. The new Mandarin, son of the former, at the height of his power before he made the mistake of getting involved with the Stark girl. Apocalypse plucked from time just before his defeat at the hands of the X-Men, X-Factor and the Avengers. Hyperion the titan of myth plucked from time before his defeat at the hands of heroes. These joined the deviants he grabbed before their defeat and a being named Mongul.

"The babe being born this night is mine," Kang said. The child would serve Kang and be the implement of Kang's will.

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2011-09-22 11:33 pm UTC (link)
Vincent, rather than launch another spell with less than stellar chances of success, opts to counterspell his opponent, readying another 'mundane' attack.

"It would be wise to stand down, whoever you are."

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2011-09-23 11:28 am UTC (link)
Gunnar held onto the spell just laughed instead. "You doth not e'en know who I art. I art not surprised the whore didst not tell thee of thine half-brother."

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2011-09-23 10:45 pm UTC (link)
Vincent increased his focus on the counter-spelling, even as his opponent's words caught him by surprise. "What?"

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2011-09-24 02:03 am UTC (link)
Gunnar sneered. "The whore had me many years before thou. She dumped me off on mine father when it was an infant. She doth the same to you?"

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2011-09-24 02:08 am UTC (link)
Vincent looks at the individual, picking apart his features, even as he, almost casually, flings another adhesive capsule.

"Skurge." He says simply. "He stood alone at Gjallebru. I'd rather not do his son, let alone my own blood, harm. This assault is madness. You need not change sides, but just turn back."

Yes, that's much easier to think about than what was just spat at him.

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2011-09-24 02:12 am UTC (link)
Gunnar laughed and cast a quick spell to freeze the sticky substance. With a small effort it broke apart. "Your avoidance of the topic doth tell me that she didst the same to thee."

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2011-09-24 02:14 am UTC (link)
Vincent shifts his positioning as his initial tactic proves partially neutralized. "I was no infant, but aye, I was re-homed to the house of my father's blood. General knowledge of my lineage was not to Mother's convenience."

The roar of the battle falls to so much white noise, even as Vincent deflects an incoming arrow with a flick of his staff.

"I would have your name, as you already know mine..."

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2011-09-24 02:40 am UTC (link)
"Gunnar Skurgeson," he said. He hefted his axe. "Are we going to fight, brother, or part ways?"

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2011-09-25 01:04 pm UTC (link)
"There is much I would say to thee, but now is not the time. Pray that our paths do not cross again in this battle." Vincent begins to move away, keeping his eyes on Gunnar.

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