The Iron Dragon and the Devil's Bounty Hunter
It had been ten years since Rose had last seen America. She had been in a celestial city for all that time. She had been a warrior in training for eight of those years. For two years she had been seen as a warrior.
She had been respected. Then she had been told of a possibility for her future and that she could return to Earth now. Ignoring something that may be she focused on leaving.
Then on getting to America.
That was how she had found out about this cult. And the girl that was going to be killed to bring fourth a dark power. She couldn't let that happen.
So she got inside and waited. Waited for something to happen so she could free the girl and used her chi to mask her aura. She couldn't let them know she was actually one of the good guys. Not until the girl was free.
And suddenly it becomes obvious that she will have help. That shouldn't have her smiling this much but given the fact she knows she might not be able to take them all on at once she is strangely okay with this.
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