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nextgen_baddie ([info]nextgen_baddie) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-09-11 23:43:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, crusader, dr fate, green lantern dex, inactive - james romanov rogers, marlow, mason jeffries, plot-"the divine right of kangs", quinn braddock, tsunami

TDRoK: The Eve of Destruction - The Brides of Set
A bright light appeared over the Defenders compound and two figures emerged in the sky. A multitude of explosives rained down on the buildings below. A moment later numerous explosions broke the quiet of the day. The Earth trembled and fire and smoke filled the air. A crater now took the place of the Defenders Compound and the two figures in the sky disappeared.

Far below the Pacific Ocean the brides were clad in white and lined up in front of the altar. A semi-circle of priests stood behind the brides and were chanting. The magic in the air became more powerful as the priests chanted. A small circle appeared in the air before the brides and started to get bigger.

All around the chamber deviants fought heroes while the portal grew so the god Set could make his entrance into the world. Another portal formed on the far side of the chamber and the two beings that had appeared over the Defenders Compound were now in Lemuria.

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2011-09-16 02:53 pm UTC (link)
With the distraction in place, the real Marlow conjured a handful of red crystals and crammed them into Wootha's face and mouth.

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