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nextgen_baddie ([info]nextgen_baddie) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-09-11 23:43:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, crusader, dr fate, green lantern dex, inactive - james romanov rogers, marlow, mason jeffries, plot-"the divine right of kangs", quinn braddock, tsunami

TDRoK: The Eve of Destruction - The Brides of Set
A bright light appeared over the Defenders compound and two figures emerged in the sky. A multitude of explosives rained down on the buildings below. A moment later numerous explosions broke the quiet of the day. The Earth trembled and fire and smoke filled the air. A crater now took the place of the Defenders Compound and the two figures in the sky disappeared.

Far below the Pacific Ocean the brides were clad in white and lined up in front of the altar. A semi-circle of priests stood behind the brides and were chanting. The magic in the air became more powerful as the priests chanted. A small circle appeared in the air before the brides and started to get bigger.

All around the chamber deviants fought heroes while the portal grew so the god Set could make his entrance into the world. Another portal formed on the far side of the chamber and the two beings that had appeared over the Defenders Compound were now in Lemuria.

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2011-09-15 10:41 pm UTC (link)
".....I will stop this."

He leaves the vortex open and moves.

He will use all of his magic to lose the seal. He shields himself as he begins to work on a spell.

There is a thought that he may have to give his life to do this.

He is okay with that.

Forgive him Cat.

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2011-09-15 10:52 pm UTC (link)
There's an effort to that end already, and his presence eases it. With Gwenny guarding her, Sarah keeps trying to contain the hammer's energies long enough to do this.

The sudden addition gets her notice.

"You... know how to do this?" she struggles to get out, burns running up her arms.

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2011-09-15 11:11 pm UTC (link)
"Yes. The knowledge is here with the Helmet. Nabu, Kent Nelson, and others have fought elder gods," Fate says with confidence.

"We can work together, Sarah Rogers. You must survive this. I may not. I do not know my own Fate, nor do I care. What must be done will be. I trust you with the Fate of the worlds you will save."

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2011-09-15 11:14 pm UTC (link)
She nods. She hates to ask anything of others she can't do herself... but she senses the truth of his words. And she has the Tallus.


"Then do it... I will give you more power." she offers, beginning to channel the power of Mjolnir into Fate's spell instead.

She's quietly aware he almost certainly won't survive... but they might save the world.

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2011-09-15 11:19 pm UTC (link)
Mark is sorry for all the things he can't do.

But he is glad for the things he can do. He nods once then begins to put everything he is into the spell.

He lights up like a beacon as he does the spell work.

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2011-09-15 11:23 pm UTC (link)
She'll mourn his bravery later. Right now, she isn't sure if she could have done it or not. She aches... but the energy, lots of it, has somewhere to go. More and more mystical power, in the form of godly lightning, funnels into his spell to close the gate on Set.

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2011-09-15 11:34 pm UTC (link)
The spell needs one last thing. He can tell because Set is more powerful than anything he has ever faced.

His life.

More magic is poured in.

The gate is closed.

The Priestlord dies.

And Mark's uniform crumbles into a pile. The glowing eyes of the Helm of Nabu stare silently into the air before going him and then.... nothing.

Mark's fate was sealed.

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2011-09-15 11:38 pm UTC (link)
How many more are they going to lose?

Allison, Spider, Grandma, Roxanne, Morph, Tasha, Kev...the list goes on and on. All sacrificed for the greater good of Exiles' Road.

Sarah collapses, even as the Deviants begin to retreat, the loss of the priestlord demoralizing them.

She's hurt. She's tired... and the real fight, according to the Tallus, has just begun.

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