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stark_ravingmad ([info]stark_ravingmad) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-29 21:44:00

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Entry tags:npc - black widow, npc - tony stark, plot-"the face of the enemy"

Papa's Got A Brand New Bag! (Tasha)
"Tony Stark" unlocked the door to his penthouse (after taking a moment to search for the keys) and stepped inside, looking around. The place was completely new to to him, though he went over it with a practiced eye. He found all of the exits first, then checked out places where ambushes could be laid.

On a hunch, he went into the kitchen and checked in the cabinets, followed by the space between the sink and the refrigerator and found a gun wedged between the two.

"Some things never change." 'Tony' says to himself, taking the gun and placing it /behind/ the refrigerator, between the appliance and the wall.

Time to get started on this little farce.

"HONEY! NICK! I'M HOME!" Tony calls out loudly.

It is 3am.

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Re: A little while later....
2011-09-05 01:08 am UTC (link)
"I do, but..." Tony sighs, looking for the right words. He can't give himself away this early in the game.

"...I need more. I've been working almost my whole life, Natasha. Family is amazing, but there's a lot to be said for being in the thick of things. I'm starting to feel left behind." Tony says.

"And I really need to do something about all this grey hair. I'm starting to look old and that's just no image to present to the public." he says.

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Re: A little while later....
2011-09-05 01:20 am UTC (link)
"You are getting older, but you've never looked better and sexier. I may be a little biased."

She put a hand on his cheek. "You've earned those gray hairs. Learning from your mistakes, raising Anya and putting up with me. They're badges of wisdom and experience, my love."

It had been a matter of time when one of them went back into the thick of things and it had been a toss up which one of them it would be.

"If you want to go back to work, then go. Nick and I will see you off to work every morning and be here when you get home every evening." She smiled. "I promise."

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Re: A little while later....
2011-09-05 10:18 pm UTC (link)
"Then I'll try to make sure I get as much done as possible so that we don't need to be apart very long." Tony smiles, kissing her palm.

Where was her fire? Her spirit? It was as though she'd managed to lose all of that in just a few years time. He could probably snap her neck right now and she'd be just a little too slow to stop him.

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Re: A little while later....
2011-09-05 11:02 pm UTC (link)
"Don't rush on account of us. Nick and I can keep ourselves entertained by spending your money."

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Re: A little while later....
2011-09-05 11:25 pm UTC (link)
"Money does make the world go round, so you two buy anything you want. As much of it as you want. I'll just sign the checks." Tony grins.

This was just too easy and too much fun. He was going to love putting "himself" into the poor house.

Now, if only I could arrange a divorce where I'm at fault... he thought to himself.

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Re: A little while later....
2011-09-05 11:30 pm UTC (link)
"We were planning on doing just that anyway." She smiled and kissed him. "Now about those few days away you promised me."

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Re: A little while later....
2011-09-06 12:04 am UTC (link)
"Yes, I did not forget about those." Tony says, covering quickly. How much /does/ this idiot promise her on a daily basis? The demands were nearly unending, in his mind.

"Once I figure out the situation at the office, we'll go anywhere you want." he says.

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Re: A little while later....
2011-09-06 12:09 am UTC (link)
"Just for a few days," she said. "We haven't taken a vacation since that little mishap in Martha's Vineyard." She smiled and kissed him. "I promise no body switching on this vacation."

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