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Julian (Gallio) Howard ([info]regnare_vocatus) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-29 21:22:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo

A Talk
Julian called upon Benedict Thorn the morning after his meeting with Minnie, intending to discuss a few things. He didn't need anyone actively plotting against him, though plot they would, whether he liked it or not. He couldn't please everyone, but he did allow the Inner Circle to direct itself as necessary, so long as they came together when needed.

Julian sits behind his desk and thinks over what he's planning to offer Mr. Thorn. He wishes Minnie were here right now, but he'll deal with this as it happens.

"Mr. Howard, we have a Benedict Thorn for you in the lobby." his receptionist says over the speaker.

"Please escort him in." Julian orders.

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2011-09-01 11:43 pm UTC (link)
"As would we all," Benedict says. Though he would like much more control on how and when that happened.

"Yes there are," He says. He knew more than a few doors that he could use to help there.

He nods his head.

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2011-09-05 01:09 am UTC (link)
"I have a meeting with a Congressman Delacroix coming up. Once I figure out where he stands in the scheme of things, then we'll formulate the rest of the plan. How does that sound, Mr. Thorn?" he asks.

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2011-09-05 03:20 am UTC (link)
"That sounds like something that we can work with," Benedict says with a sly smile.

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