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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-29 22:30:00

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Entry tags:casey flynn, dmitri rasputin, jenny woolverton, joe marko, plot-"a study in stealing", quinn braddock, tamara blaire, team - excalibur

At the British Museum
Night settled over London and the British Museum was closed for the evening. Cleaning crews moved quickly and efficiently through the hallways and galleries. Nothing seemed amiss and it was another night just like many others.

Suddenly the alarms started going off and large steel doors closed all over the museum. The police were automatically notified and a call went out to Excalibur.

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2011-09-06 12:12 am UTC (link)
Well. That was... different. Wasn't much of anything that took more than one bunch where he was usually concerned. Granted, he wasn't sure he'd ever hit anything especially hard. In a world of cardboard, he'd had to learn to control his strength. It was why he was so good at working with his hands.

He blocked the blow with his arm, bracing himself, and threw a harder punch.

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2011-09-06 12:32 am UTC (link)
The next punch staggers Hyde as well, but he tries to counter with a headbutt so that Juggernaut doesn't build too much momentum. They're supposed to make this look good, not get their teeth kicked in.

"You gots some pretty lady friends. They look tasty." Hyde says with a crooked grin.

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2011-09-06 12:51 am UTC (link)
Okay, that? That was the wrong thing to say. Even as the headbutt knocks him off any more steam, Joe's features twisted up in a snarl. "Don't even think about it, asshole."

It's time for a good old fashioned trick. He slams his hands together as hard as he can, concentrating a shockwave at Hyde.

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2011-09-06 12:59 am UTC (link)
Safe to say, Hyde did not expect that.

The shockwave nearly bursts his eardrums, and he covers his ears in shock and pain, crumpling to his knees.

This was exactly where Moriarty didn't want him to be and he tried to move back, away from Joe to get out of his reach.

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2011-09-06 09:06 pm UTC (link)
In spite of himself, Joe couldn't help but feel a little bit good about hurting Hyde. Anybody like that, they deserved what they got.

He moved to throw another punch.

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