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Get_Medieval ([info]get_medieval) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-28 11:43:00

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Entry tags:hajime, inactive - super geisha, sunset

A return
Hajime waits patiently for Kikuya's return. She's been gone... well, not that long, actually, but he's found that her absence left him feeling somewhat lost. Sure, he can get by, and she did her best to make sure he was provided for - which just makes him adore her that much more, but its not the same.
So when he heard she was returning, he made sure preparations were all made. Normally, one might assume that would mean having things ready for her so she could sit back, relax, and have tea - but he believes he knows her better than that. From what he's seen of the Americans, they might be alright, but they certainly don't appreciate her and her art properly. As such, he found a space out of the way, and set up a proper tea ceremony table and set with matcha and a tea set, and made sure a chef was free to prepare a full kaiseki meal for two, though the staff is forbidden to serve, just prepare.

That is timed with her arrival to give her enough time to wash and re-dress. It would not do to expect her to get a chance to serve while still looking like she just stepped off a plane.

That done, he waits in quiet contemplation

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2011-08-29 12:40 am UTC (link)
He considers. Then considers some more. There's definitely no protocol for this.

"I... would not ask you to cease in your role. And... my parents are many centuries dead, so we cannot ask my mother to talk to the courts. I... do not know. Perhaps... Amiko-san would have some idea? If we ask discretely."

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2011-08-29 12:48 am UTC (link)
Kikuya considered this for a moment.

"Amiko-san already knows about what is shared between us. It would seem that she suspected it, or at least believed it possible. She would certainly be happy to advise us. I'm afraid I'm entirely out of ideas. The modern world...well. I like our world."

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2011-08-29 01:31 am UTC (link)
"Then before we proceed too far, we should speak with her. Perhaps we can at least safely enjoy tea and dinner for now?"

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2011-08-29 11:53 am UTC (link)
Kikuya smiled.

"Of course."

She rose from her place and went about the work of readying the room for dinner and, then, of getting the food that had been prepared brought to her. All staff was dismissed once the food was delivered. The joy of serving Hajime was all hers and her eyes lit up like stars as she attended to him.

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2011-08-29 04:39 pm UTC (link)
He savors every moment. The dinner is prepared traditionally - seven courses, each small and prepared as much for art as for filling the stomach - and her skill just complements it. He has enough training to show proper, formal gratitude for each course, enjoying a bit of tea between each course.

The relaxed atmosphere, in addition to just having her back, is helped by having a troubling admission off his chest. Sure, there'll be tension to come, but for now, one obstacle is overcome.

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2011-08-30 11:26 am UTC (link)
Oh how she loves this, serving him, taking care of him, tending to his every need both voiced and left silent. The meal is lovely, but she barely notices anything other than him. This is often the case for her, but tonight it is doubly so and the affection in her work is nearly visible.

For once, she doesn't have to hide. For most that would come ou with almost wild abandon and a complete shirking of propriety. For her, it only made her more formal, her duty more pronounced, her skill sharper. She was giving her finest performance.

For him.

With the post-meal tea served, she sat quietly beside him.

"What would you most like next, Hajime-sama?"

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2011-08-30 11:39 am UTC (link)
And he appreciates every second. The attraction started with his love of all she represents, that beautiful attention to artistic detail that he sees so little of in this modern world. This is heaven.

"It has been a long time since you tended to my hands, and I fear the calluses are beginning to show again. Perhaps you could assist with that, and then play or read to me a time while dinner settles?"

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2011-08-31 09:59 am UTC (link)
Kikuya took a moment to inspect those hands. The calluses really hadn't begun to show, but she could tell that they hadn't been cared for, not as she cared for them. Soft little fingertps ran over the rougher skin, daring a bit to the edge of his sleeve and grazing the skin underneath.

"A proper bath and hand-tending first of all things, " she says softly. "Than I will do anything you want."

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2011-08-31 04:31 pm UTC (link)
He lets her inspect his hands. He's hard on them, his daily practice rituals exacting and brutal, used to the demanding orders of his swordmasters.

He nods to her assessment. By the Kami, this is perfection. "Very good. The kitchen crew can handle the clean up. If you wish to leave a message for Amiko-san that we would like to speak with her when possible. Include as much information, for her ears only, as you see fit. I will go prepare for a bath and meet you there. Then we may rest together a while while you read to me."

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