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Get_Medieval ([info]get_medieval) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
He is glad for the break. It lets him focus on the art, re-center himself, and appreciate her. The attention to detail, and needing to make sure things are done right, no matter what, is part of where he fell.

"My day is full of stories of samurai who fell in love with Geisha. Most of the time, it was not returned, and resulted in the samurai's downfall. Even when it was, tragedy often followed. Once upon a time, I wondered, if such a fall was so certain, no matter how tempting... a samurai's will should be stronger."

He pauses, taking the first delicate sip of tea.

"I now understand why those stories happened anyway. I have failed in my resolve."

Its funny how much two people admitting failure can sound like 'I love you.'

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