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Casey Flynn ([info]bornlucky) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-24 00:00:00

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Entry tags:casey flynn, inactive - andy walters, jenny woolverton, joe marko, quinn braddock, team - excalibur

Excal Birthdays (Open)
Even though he had been busy taking care of Sean and helping run the Pub Casey still remembered his friend’s birthdays. He thought it was kind of funny that Jenny and Joe’s birthdays happened to be the same day who would have thought.

For Joe he had gotten a keg of good beer and a hot blind date whenever Joe had the time.

Jenny had gotten a rather nice bottle of French wine. He had called his mom’s friend Alain for help there. He also left a note promising a great night out for her and her boyfriend next time he was in the city.

There was also a card from him with Sean’s name signed by him for both of them.

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2011-08-24 01:47 am UTC (link)
Jenny snuggled Sean and blew a soft raspberry into his baby cheek to make him laugh. Casey received a hugged thank you for his very good taste in wine. She planned to put the wine to good use on her next picnic outing with Andy, and tempt him into visiting soon with the promised night out.

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