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nextgen_asgard ([info]nextgen_asgard) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-18 22:26:00

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Entry tags:asleif, franklin richards, halbjorn, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lisa graves, npc - loki, plot-"what harm may come", vincent vernard

You Poke and You Prod, You Batter and You Bruise
The lie-smith had drawn lots with the lady of strife, and they'd each chosen a handful of targets. Loki had, of course, cheated. His hobby and his grandson were too amusing to leave to chance. His favored granddaughter might feel some of the sting of this game, but all that he did served the greater Loki, which was what mattered in the end.

These days would be most amusing.

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2011-08-29 12:30 am UTC (link)
Titan tossed and turned in his sleep, trying to ignore the voices in his dream. But in the back of his mind, he's heard the whispers. He knows that Hal is powerful enough to fight him to a standstill or even kill him if need be. It's already happened once.

Marlow could twitch her pinky finger and wipe him out of existence. So could Dawn.

Jenny would just /love/ for him to disappear, just so she could have Andy all to herself and Andy wanted Marlow, too.

Olympus wanted him dead because he wasn't one of them. But he wasn't human either!


Titan sits up in bed, roaring into the darkness. It could probably be heard from anywhere in the compound, and it takes a moment for him to realize that there's no immediate danger in sight.

Once his mind leaves "fight" mode, Titan climbs out of bed and grabs a pair of his shorts and a shirt. He couldn't stay here, not now. This place was making him weak.

He wouldn't have been injured if he wasn't weak.

Just a couple of hours somewhere else would do the trick.

He just needed some time alone.

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