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onearmofhydra ([info]onearmofhydra) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-17 21:40:00

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Entry tags:npc - viper, plot-"underworld war"

Family Reunion
Olivia was slowly building her forces and planning her next few moves. Jushiro and Shaw were already on board, but there were a few more key players to gather. Olivia wasn't in a rush, but it wouldn't take long for someone to figure out what she was doing. She'd like to have her forces in place before someone made a move against her, not after.

One such person she needed on her side was her own half-brother. She hadn't seen Nicholas in around ten years and it was time for a little family reunion. Their mother had a failure that led to Nicholas' capture by the US government and subsequent "volunteering" into the Weapon X program. Olivia didn't know why her mother didn't go to get her son back, but Olivia's mother wasn't exactly the one to do it out of motherly love for a child. Olivia was there to step up into Nicholas' spot so why taking the risk of getting captured to get one person back? Not that Olivia really missed her brother. Emotions were a liability and Olivia had none what so ever for her brother.

Now it was time to bring Nicholas back into the family fold. Under Olivia's control of course. She knew the perfect way to do it too.

She headed for New York to reunite with her brother.

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2011-08-17 11:22 pm UTC (link)
After the past defeats, Weapon-X has had to lay low, and after what happened when Apocalypse got a hold of him, Nicholas has needed a lot of deprogramming. The combination has kept him mostly inactive - a state he's not at all fond of.

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2011-08-17 11:24 pm UTC (link)
Olivia knocked lightly on the door to the apartment in the rundown building her brother was currently holed up in. The boy never had any taste or class.

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2011-08-17 11:25 pm UTC (link)
Weapon-X has put him up as long as he can really remember, so its never mattered much. This place has booze and whores - so good enough, right?

He heads for the door, looking her over, his combat sense picking up that she's skilled - but not currently a threat. Interesting... and probably not a hooker.


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2011-08-17 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Hello Nicholas," she said. "Long time no see."

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2011-08-17 11:54 pm UTC (link)
He tries to place her - the brainwashing pretty much wiped out most of what came before.

"I know you?"

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2011-08-18 12:02 am UTC (link)
"I'm not surprised you don't recognize your sister. Half-sister really. Mother was never one for making sure we were one big happy family." A pause. "Or just a happy family for that matter."

"Olivia Sarkissian."

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2011-08-18 12:04 am UTC (link)
Huh, still not a threat. The training level and stance are right though. Curious.

"Come on in. Want a beer?"

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2011-08-18 12:10 am UTC (link)
She didn't particularly like beer, she found it rather unrefined, but it didn't hurt to play nice when needed. "I'd love one." She stepped into the apartment.

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2011-08-18 12:12 am UTC (link)
He snags a couple beers, tossing one to her. "So, if you waited this long, I'm guessing you're not here about the family reunion either. Business?"

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2011-08-18 12:23 am UTC (link)
She caught the beer and popped it open. She managed not to wince as she took a sip. She was slightly surprised that he just accepted what she said, or at least appeared to.

"Of course it's business. I have need of your special talents and in return I can give you the one person you've been after."

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2011-08-18 12:26 am UTC (link)
His talents give him good instincts for certain things. One of those is having an idea when he's being deceived - if he's at risk, he tends to know it. He's pretty sure this desire for his services is set to benefit him more than her - but he's bored, and that offer piques his interest.

"That so?"

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2011-08-18 12:29 am UTC (link)
"Getting your hands on a certain Russian prince would be worth a little work for me, don't you think? I'd offer you the Japanese girl as well, but another in my service is interested in her. You'll find the work quite suitable to your tastes and skills."

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2011-08-18 12:33 am UTC (link)
He nods. "Better than this place. You'll have to let me in on your plan to do that, but consider me interested."

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2011-08-18 12:37 am UTC (link)
"I will in due time," she said. "Secrets only stay secrets if only one person knows them. I will make it worth your while, monetarily and in terms with that little thing you have going with the Canadian Runt's son."

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2011-08-18 12:39 am UTC (link)
"Fair enough." He still picked up no threat - and there is a lot of potential there. And, of course, he's still bored. "When do we leave?"

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2011-08-18 12:40 am UTC (link)
"I will have need of you soon," she said. "But of course if you want to return with me to Madripoor and give Mother your regards, you are of course welcome to."

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2011-08-18 12:44 am UTC (link)
"I got no care for the bitch one way or another. If you have something you want from her, sure, long as you're paying."

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2011-08-18 12:45 am UTC (link)
Olivia smiled. "I was just offering you the chance to see her one more time before I kill her."

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2011-08-18 12:47 am UTC (link)
"If it pays, I'll help you. She wasn't exactly mom of the year." from what little he remembered.

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2011-08-18 01:13 am UTC (link)
"Are you that hard up for cash?" she asked. "I would have thought you'd pay me for the opportunity. If you feel like you need to have a hand in her death, but all means come along. You'll have payment."

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2011-08-18 01:18 am UTC (link)
"Like I said, I got nothing for or against her. I barely remember her, other than she kind'a sucked as a mom. But if you want to be rid of her, why shouldn't I benefit, right?"

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2011-08-18 01:33 am UTC (link)
Olivia smiled. "There are brief moments, like now, when I actually like you. Rare as they may be. Fine." She held out a hand. "Then why should we delay?"

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2011-08-18 01:35 am UTC (link)
Once again, no threat. He shakes her hand. There's nothing here he really needs or cares about. "Let's go."

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2011-08-18 01:36 am UTC (link)
"Don't let go," she said and activated her ring to teleport them back to Madripoor.

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2011-08-18 01:38 am UTC (link)
He's familiar with this concept, and hangs on. "Handy."

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2011-08-18 10:04 pm UTC (link)

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