Family Reunion
Olivia was slowly building her forces and planning her next few moves. Jushiro and Shaw were already on board, but there were a few more key players to gather. Olivia wasn't in a rush, but it wouldn't take long for someone to figure out what she was doing. She'd like to have her forces in place before someone made a move against her, not after.
One such person she needed on her side was her own half-brother. She hadn't seen Nicholas in around ten years and it was time for a little family reunion. Their mother had a failure that led to Nicholas' capture by the US government and subsequent "volunteering" into the Weapon X program. Olivia didn't know why her mother didn't go to get her son back, but Olivia's mother wasn't exactly the one to do it out of motherly love for a child. Olivia was there to step up into Nicholas' spot so why taking the risk of getting captured to get one person back? Not that Olivia really missed her brother. Emotions were a liability and Olivia had none what so ever for her brother.
Now it was time to bring Nicholas back into the family fold. Under Olivia's control of course. She knew the perfect way to do it too.
She headed for New York to reunite with her brother.
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