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Mikhail Loganovich Romanov ([info]mishaloganovich) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-15 10:51:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - swashbuckler, misha loganovich, toni rhodes

Happy Birthday to you, you live in a zoo....
With Darlene's help, Misha had Anya's birthday box ready for mailing in time for her birthday. Included with the must have Mets jersey (he didn't want her to forget the greatest team in baseball history!) were a pair of Cthulhu slippers and gift cards to burger places around Boston.

And truffles. Always remember the truffles.

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2011-08-17 01:43 am UTC (link)
"Don't ask me, I haven't figured it out either. The trick is figuring out what he considers trouble and how he thinks you should avoid it. He also asked if you were keeping up with your katana training. I said yes, so don't make me a liar."

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2011-08-17 02:52 am UTC (link)
"I haven't been, but I will make sure I practice before I go see him. Life's been hectic. Changing the world isn't easy."

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2011-08-17 03:15 am UTC (link)
"Don't change it too fast. It'll get a headache," he teased. "I'm glad you're happy, Brat."

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2011-08-17 07:59 pm UTC (link)
"I guess it would," she said. Not that she expected Zero Point Energy to change the world overnight. It would take time, but Anya wasn't in a rush. She knew she'd be alive to see the end results of her efforts.

"I am. I'm an insomniac workaholic who has a great big brother and a great family. I can't ask for more."

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2011-08-18 03:16 pm UTC (link)
"You know I love you, Anya. Anything you need from me, just let me know."

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2011-08-18 06:18 pm UTC (link)
"I love you too. Same back at ya. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

"How about this weekend we steal Nick, see if James can head back east for the weekend and head to Coney Island for the day? Just us Romanov brats."

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2011-08-19 05:40 am UTC (link)
"That's a great idea. You're never too young for Coney Island. Let's do it."

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2011-08-19 11:55 pm UTC (link)
"Next weekend? I'm traveling this weekend. I have to leave for Tokyo on Saturday night." Sometimes it wasn't fun being a workaholic.

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2011-08-21 12:41 am UTC (link)
"I was just there. Ever get that urge to cook some of that raw fish over a lighter when you're at dinner? Anyway, next weekend for sure. Let's see if the little guy's ready for hotdogs."

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2011-08-21 12:43 am UTC (link)
"Nope. I love sushi. I'll make sure I put it in my schedule and tell Darlene so she can put it in yours. I'll talk to Mom about kidnapping Nick."

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2011-08-21 01:00 am UTC (link)
"I look forward to it. Did you build James an AI yet to mind his calendar?"

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2011-08-21 01:18 am UTC (link)
"Not yet. I've been a little busy. New companies take a lot of work to get off of the ground. I will call him and make sure he's there."

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2011-08-21 01:41 am UTC (link)
"Brat, if anybody can do it, it'll be you."

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2011-08-21 01:51 am UTC (link)
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, big brother. I appreciate it."

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2011-08-21 02:11 am UTC (link)
"Always, Brat. Even if you spit up on me the first time Mom let me hold you."

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2011-08-21 02:13 am UTC (link)
"You probably deserved it," she teased. "I better get going. My husband has plans for the day. Thank you again and I'll see you next weekend."

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2011-08-21 02:15 am UTC (link)
"I did not!" he shot back. "Have fun and next weekend is a go."

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2011-08-21 02:17 am UTC (link)
"You so did," she said with a laugh. "Be safe. Love you."

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