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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-07 02:20:00

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With a graceful elegance and a tasteful compliment...
It hadn't taken long to figure out the nature of A.C. Whitman's... heroism. A few admiring questions, a little quiet following. The twit wasn't too careful with his computer, either. Weapons deals. It figured.

In the meantime, 'Minerva' never let up with Zothelle either. She gave a proper impression as a classy little harlot with a good head on her shoulders -- though there was never any impressing Patty. Can't play a player, perhaps. But she'd give just enough insight about financing, just enough help organizing a few little things, just enough subtle hints about ways of improving A.C.'s gun-running. Just enough to make herself seem like she could be quite handy, if they kept letting her in. And in. And in.

She missed Julian so much it hurt. But she had nearly all the information he'd asked her to get. She was almost done.

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