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Ben Parker ([info]the_other) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-25 19:32:00

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Entry tags:inactive - ben parker, inactive - may parker, plot-"sibling rivalry"

Doing Bad Things
(This scene takes place an one hour after this.)

Ben creeps out his room window quietly, trying not to alert his sister. His parents said he couldn't go out, and that's fine. They didn't say his alter-ego couldn't go out; that was his story and he was sticking to it. He creeps down the side of the building, hand over hand as quickly as possible, until he reaches the alley floor. Once he touches down, he makes a run for it, heading toward Kassi's.

His parents could ground him until he was ninety, but only after his date.

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2011-07-26 09:37 pm UTC (link)
May knocked on Ben's door. "Hey Ben, it's May. I know I was a little bit of a bitch earlier, but can we talk? Please?" No response. May knocked again. "Come on Ben. You can't stay mad at me forever."

Still no response. May at least expected some comeback of some kind from her brother.

And her Spider-Sense telling her that something was wrong didn't make things any better. May threw open the door, seeing the window open.

"Shit," she muttered under her breath, running to the window. She leaped out, climbing down the window.

She dialed Ben's cell, getting voicemail.

"Just so you know...I am so kicking your ass when I find you."

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2011-07-26 11:26 pm UTC (link)
Ben has turned off his phone as he walks, stepping into a corner store not far from Kassi's place so that he can buy her some flowers to make up for nearly missing their date tonight.

He picks up a few roses and pays for them, heading out of the store and back into the night.

He's working so hard on his apology to Kassi in his head that he doesn't notice the three guys that have fallen in about fifty or so feet behind him.

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2011-08-02 11:38 pm UTC (link)
May used her spider-sense to keep tabs on Ben, as she tracked him down.

The three guys tailing him sent off all sorts of warning bells. May ducked around the alleyway, going throw off her clothes that hid her costume underneath and throw on her mask.

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2011-08-03 12:02 am UTC (link)
Ben keeps walking, making his way to Kassi's place as quickly as possible. He was going to surprise and make up for all of this craziness when he got there, but he had to get there first.

"Hey, bud. You got the time?" a voice says from behind him.

Ben's spider-sense kicks in a second before the guy reaches for him and he moves just a hair out of reach.

"Whoa, man! Chill out! You don't want to do this." Ben warns.

"Is that so, little man? And why don't I want to do that?" he asks dangerously.

"Because it could land you in the Emergency Room...or worse." Ben says in the same tone.

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2011-08-12 12:23 am UTC (link)
Spider-Girl is already making her way towards Ben and the thugs, swinging over the rooftops.

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2011-08-13 11:48 pm UTC (link)
Ben dodges away from the first guy, only to have the second grab him from behind in a bear-hug and pull him off the ground. He tries to slam his head back into the man's face, but the bastard has him held fast.

At least...until Ben's clothes start to slither of their own accord, turning black as they cover his nose and mouth. He flexes once and the man's arms pop open like a spring lock and he drops to the concrete in a crouch.

"You're all dead men." Venom snarls, leaping at the first mugger.

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2011-08-16 11:46 pm UTC (link)
And Spider-Girl will just stand there, wide-eyed. "...Ben?"

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2011-08-17 01:02 am UTC (link)
The first man goes down, hitting the floor like a sack of stones as Ben grabs him by the collar of his shirt.

"Wait, no! Please! Y-you're Spider-Man! I give up! Take me to jail, man! Please!" the thug screams, trying to cover his face.

"NO! We are NOT Spider-Man! We are poison to scum like you. We are death." Ben says drawing his fist back.

We. Are. VENOM!!"

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2011-08-17 01:08 am UTC (link)
Spider-Girl got a hone of her senses, swinging in. "Sorry kid," she said to the thug, going to grab Vemon. "Mom and Dad need to talk."

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2011-08-17 01:16 am UTC (link)
Venom's spider-sense warns him of Spider-Girl's approach, allowing him to dodge away from her at the last moment. The good news is that he's moved away from the thugs, who take Spider-Girl's opening and run like hell.

The bad news is that Venom is now focused on /her/.

"We told you what would happen if you crossed us again." Venom growls.

"He hates you, you know. His anger and hate are strong...like his father's." Venom says.

He leaps at Spider-Girl, going for a wild uppercut intended to daze her.

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2011-08-17 02:16 am UTC (link)
"I don't want to fight you," Spider-Girl said. The punch connected with her jaw, sending her into a wall.

"Please, Ben...let's talk about this..."

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2011-08-17 03:39 am UTC (link)
"Talk is cheap." he snarls, moving to rip a light pole out of the ground.

Venom tosses the pole in Spider-Girl's direction, fully intent on impaling her.

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2011-08-17 03:43 am UTC (link)
Shit. Spider-Girl barely dodged the pole.

"Ben...if you're still in there, I'm sorry." She charged at him, firing webbing to try and pin him to a wall.

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2011-08-19 12:29 am UTC (link)
The webbing nets Venom, slowing him down a moment as Spider-Girl gets closer. Even as this occurs, Venom is taking action.

The symbiote begins to writhe, shifting bit by bit to loosen the webs and keep from being immobilized.

"You might be sorry, but we're not." Venom says, leaping in her direction. He'll try to tackle her to the ground so that she can't use her agility to stay ahead of him.

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2011-08-19 12:39 am UTC (link)
Spider=Girl gave a grunt as she was tackled to the ground. She shoved up with her legs, trying to push him off.

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2011-08-19 12:46 am UTC (link)
He's not expecting the shove, so he goes sailing over her and is tossed into a bank of trash cans, barely managing not to be completely sprawled out all over the place.

He kips up into a crouch, staring Spider-Girl down.

Then he tosses the trash cans at her in succession before firing off a webline to try to run away from her.

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2011-08-19 12:59 am UTC (link)
She hopped over the trashcans, frying a webline of her to follow her.

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2011-08-21 03:45 pm UTC (link)
Venom swings up and away several blocks, checking to see if Spider-Girl is behind him. When he sees that she is, he decides to continue the merry little chase, leading her across town. Their current path brings them near to the Baxter Building, just a few blocks away.

Finally, Venom lands on a rooftop in Hell's Kitchen and camouflages himself against a brick wall, waiting for Spider-Girl to show up.

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2011-08-24 12:16 am UTC (link)
And Spider-Girl follows Venom. May was still shook up from the fact that Venom was really Ben. How did he get like this? What could she do to help him?

Spider-Girl was so distracted by the thoughts in her head, she didn't pay attention to her Spider-Sense going beserk.

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