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Chris Grant-Pym ([info]pym_kitten) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-19 11:31:00

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Entry tags:inactive - chris pym, inactive - izzy starsmore, rachel summers, team - x-force, team - x-men, tsunami

For The Love Of Stuff (open)
Chris had sent out an e-mail to all the other students that she was putting together a day-trip to the city for shopping, with the promise of dinner and deserts that were entirely bad for them. She'd called Pauline as well, in case she was free to meet them once they got in.

She waited in the foyer of the Institute for anyone who was going to join her.

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2011-07-23 11:08 pm UTC (link)
Rachel returned the high-five. "Me too," she told Cait.

"Though I'm almost afraid to hear what the pool was up to on bets."

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