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Rose Logan ([info]wild_rose) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-13 23:22:00

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Entry tags:inactive - chris frost, inactive - rose logan

Out and About
It was, technically, rather late.  And this part of town, somewhere in one of the NYC's Japanese neighborhoods, was not necessarily the safest in the after midnight hours of the night.  Not that Rose Logan was particularly worried.  Though only five feet tall and of a deceptive enough build, she was by far one of the most dangerous things there. 

Besides, she had a friend with her with telepathic and diamond-form powers.  Between the two of them, there pretty much wasn't anything they couldn't handle.  And the stuff that they couldn't, well, nothing to be ashamed of, because that meant they'd crossed over to end of the world level threats.

As it was, Rose couldn't pass up on a Kurosawa film festival.  A little theater had been showing Rashomon, The Seven Samurai, and the Hidden Fortress.  Original Japanese with subtitles.  Pretty close to perfect.

"So, Frosty," Rose asked, "whatcha think?"

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2011-07-25 10:04 pm UTC (link)
"On our seven," Rose reported.

If Tina reached out, she would find three... no, four minds, or possibly three minds and a duplicate of one of those minds. And possibly some telepathic static as well. Whoever was following them were super-powered, if not mutants themselves.

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2011-07-26 12:49 am UTC (link)
Tina did reach out and immediately snapped back, switching to diamond form as armored as she possibly could be.

"I think we've got a dupe and there's some noise. This is a targeted mark. They know us, or at least of us. Bar fight maneuvers? You know the ones."

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2011-07-26 01:09 am UTC (link)
"I love th' way ya think, Frosty," Rose growled.

"Count 'o three.

One... two..."

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2011-07-26 01:12 am UTC (link)
There were three of them, technically. Asian, only about the girls' age, but definitely super-powered.

One held a sword that seemed to be forged of telepathic energy. The other had already duplicated himself once, and snapped off a couple more. The third was lowering the temperature around him even as he walked, exhaling a breath that turned to mist in the air.

They increased speed, ready to attack.

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2011-07-26 11:08 pm UTC (link)
"Three. Party time."

Tina moved in the opposite direction as rose did, opting to take on the one with the telepathic sword. In diamond form it couldn't hurt her. The lowered temperature couldn't hurt her. She felt nothing in diamond form.

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2011-07-26 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Rose popped her claws with a noisy, wet snkt, not even wincing at the razor-sharp bone sliced through her skin.

Her own first move was on the duplicator. There was no hesitation, only quick violence as she plunged those claws into one dupe, then the next.

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2011-07-26 11:21 pm UTC (link)
The duplicate's went down easily enough, though the duplicator himself didn't seem to feel them die. "< What the hell, girl? >" he yelled, in Japanese. He started trying to back away.

The one with the sword swung his blade in an arc at Tina, while the ice-maker shot blasts of intense cold.

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2011-07-28 10:25 pm UTC (link)
"Go on. Hit me. I like it."

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2011-07-28 11:00 pm UTC (link)
Rose's grin was pure classic crazy. "< Oh, hell ain't got nothin' ta do with it, punk. I'm way worse than anything from there. >"

She slashed out, tearing through another dupe in an effort to get closer to him. "< An' I can do this all night. >"

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2011-07-28 11:02 pm UTC (link)
The two exchanged glances, worried glances.

"< Die Bitch! >" the one with the sword screamed, slashing again.

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2011-07-30 05:23 pm UTC (link)
<"I can do this most of the day, you understand.">

Annoyed, Tina simply reached out and grabbed for the sword, reaching as close to the hilt as possible to prevent any even minor damage to her non-diamond skin once she switched back.

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2011-07-30 11:12 pm UTC (link)
Rose had finally managed to wade through the dupes to the original, her claws slashing shallow wounds in his sides. Not enough to kill... but more than enough to hurt seriously. The other dupes faded as he hit the ground.

"Need a had, Frosty, or should I start makin' chopped ice outta our other friend here?"

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2011-07-30 11:45 pm UTC (link)
The man with the sword gasped as Tina reached out, his concentration flickering and it vanishing.

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