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Rose Logan ([info]wild_rose) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Rose's mind is, in fact, something of a chaotic place. For one thing, Rose processes the world by smell nearly as much, if not more, than by vision. Sounds too, play a far greater part in her perceptions. Memories filter largely through those senses, then through vision. Her thoughts swim about like short, sharp bursts, not unlike the girl herself.

Buried deep, like a caged animal, is a red core of rage, there to be let out when she needs it, but with the sense that the locks haven't been changed in a long time, and that every time the beast it let out, it becomes a little bit harder to put it back in.

Boundless confidence in her own immortality, that there isn't anything she can't take down, is tied up with cold lines of guilt, worry that she'll outlive everyone and everything she cares about, kept close to her heart.

Her emotions run hot in general, her loyalty to her friends, her love for Joey, her hope that people will understand why she chose to stay.

And there too, is the language center of her mind, well stocked with Spanish, Japanese (both spoken and, more limited, written), Quebecois French.

It doesn't take much of a nudge to let Tina have access to those language memories.

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