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clawed_progeny ([info]clawed_progeny) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-09 21:17:00

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Entry tags:lord deathstrike, misha loganovich, sunset

First Time Flier
 Keiji was..very uncomfortable. There was nothing wrong with the seating, it was actually quite comfortable. Misha's stepfather had only the best. No, the problem was..they..were..in..the..SKY!  Keiji had never liked heights. Yes the ride was smooth, yes his seat was secure, but..THEY WERE IN THE SKY! Shinsuke..somehow the older man had fallen asleep! How the hell could anyone sleep in the damn sky!? Keiji breathed in and out in an attempt to calm himself, though his hands still clutched the armrests tightly.

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2011-08-07 04:59 pm UTC (link)
For a moment he just takes what she says in. His hand returns her squeeze with one of his own. Slowly a full, genuine smile crosses his face. "I would like that, Amiko." So caught up in the moment he had forgotten to add "san".

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2011-08-07 05:00 pm UTC (link)
"Good." A pause. "I suppose we should get that tea."

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