Long-term Assignment
Anyone at the makeshift camp where the Winter Guard was convening with Shield were likely to see a red-armored figure stomping past them, muttering a string of Georgian curses. This was utter garbage! After the Guard had contacted home regarding what had happened, the government decided that it would be a good idea for someone to remain in the West to make it easier for the two countries to coordinate efforts. The idea was sound, Zviad didn't dispute that, but what angered him was apparently he was being voluntered for the job. Of course by voluntered he really meant ordered. Technically it made no sense, he was the newest member of the Guard and thus knew less than any of them. Then again maybe that was the point. Plus he imagined more than a few of the brass leapt at the opportunity to keep him out of the country for as long as possible. Personally he would have liked it if he at least had a say in the matter. Zviad found a sturdy looking rock and sat down. Deciding it was pointless to keep his helmet on, he took it off. For the most part, people kept their distance, as Zviad's anger was palpable.
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