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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-22 00:24:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo, inactive - minnie

I'll take your side; If I'm the only one, I'm used to that.
There was garbage burning a hole in her pocket, but she'd think about that later.

"She's ready," Minnie told Julian when she came into his room. She'd pulled the strings and crossed the Ts to create the cover identity of Minerve del Garda. She reached behind her neck to try to take her choker off.

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2011-06-22 03:08 am UTC (link)
"Excellent. Once again, thank you for taking on this assignment, Minnie. Remember to stick to the information we need. Once we have it, you'll just need to disappear." Julian says.

"By then, it won't matter what the League of Human Nationalists stands for. They'll be little more than a bad memory." he says.

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2011-06-22 03:13 am UTC (link)
"You're always welcome, Julian." She listens to his reminder, nods, and steps close to him. She presses the choker into his hand, then pulls a different piece of jewelry out of her pocket: a stylized uplifted hand pendant common among 'Human Pride' paraphernalia. "Help me get this garbage on?"

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2011-06-22 04:01 am UTC (link)
Julian's nose wrinkles at the pendant. "Perhaps this shouldn't be so conspicuous, Minnie. LOHN likes to think they're being circumspect in their hatred of mutants, so anyone who's too overtly anti-mutant my draw attention to themselves." he says.

He places the choker on his desk, knowing he will need something to look at very soon to remind him of Minnie.

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2011-06-22 04:14 am UTC (link)
"It's so simpleminded that the media and the politically correct think of it as a symbol of hatred, Mister Howard. There's nothing hateful or aggressive about it. It's truly a simple symbol pride, in the simple, ordinary families we came from, of faith and self-worth stemming from achievements out of hard work, and a refusal to be intimidated out of that self-worth by the latest trends in the media," Minnie says with warm contempt.

Her face falls as she cuddles against him. "I hate myself already," she says in a far more normal voice. "That's probably a good sign. These are the people who think 'League of Human Nationalists' is circumspect, after all. This kind of opportunity to spout the party-line weaselwords, sitting right between my breasts? Probably more useful than not. They think calling themselves 'the League of Human Nationalists' is circumspect, after all. As long as I make it look and sound classy, and I'm not wearing a 'Graydon Creed was Right' T-shirt, I'm probably okay."

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2011-06-23 01:21 am UTC (link)
"Graydon Creed. Now /there/ is a man deserving of death if I ever knew one. I wish I could list all the men and women I knew of that deserved death and that the list would not grow with every minute. Then, I would spend the rest of my existence crossing them all off until I came to the very last one." Julian says, holding Minnie close.

"If anything untoward happens, or you need to be pulled out, let me know /immediately/, Minnie. Do not wait." Julian says.

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2011-06-23 01:27 am UTC (link)
Minnie chuckles. "My Julian, making war on all worthless sons of bitches. But yes, that's a war that has no end."

She nods. "Yes, Sir. I'll be careful."

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2011-06-23 02:30 am UTC (link)
"Good. Now get to work. The sooner you go, the sooner you get back." he grins, letting her go.

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2011-06-23 02:43 am UTC (link)
"Yes, Master." She savors that for a moment, smiles at him, and heads out for what they've planned as her first rendezvous with the enemy.

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2011-06-25 03:10 pm UTC (link)
Aaron Zothelle waits in the private room at the New York Garden Club with his daughter, Patty, and enjoys a cigar from his shop. The Cubans are his favorite and he'd just secured a deal to supply several restaurants with their smoking room lists last week.

Aaron Zothelle is a happy man, but he could be happier. He hopes that this meaning with Miss del Garda is worthwhile. She seems like the type of person the League could use, but they have to vet her thoroughly.

When she arrives, Aaron stands up and moves to pull a chair for her.

"Miss del Garda, my name is Aaron Zothelle. This is my daughter, Patty." he says.

"How are you doing today?"

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2011-06-25 03:12 pm UTC (link)
Patty sits when Minerve does.

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2011-06-26 02:25 am UTC (link)
"Very well, thank you. So good to finally meet you." She smiles cordially to Patty as she accepts the chair graciously. "I've long admired some of your work in the community, and your willingness to say what you think." Which wasn't what he thought at all, but that was for Minnie to keep in the back of her head.

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2011-06-26 02:39 am UTC (link)
"Well, when our country is being pushed in the wrong direction by our president and mutant reality TV stars are being promoted as role models, someone has to got to speak up for sanity, at least in my mind." Aaron says, smiling at Minnie.

Patty chimes in, nodding along with her father's words.

"I just feel that America has got to be taken back for Americans, before we're all pushed aside in favor of letting mutants, superhumans, Atlanteans, and other groups divide up the country and makes us into a minority. I like to think that doesn't make me wrong, but some accuse me of being intolerant.

It's hard to get people to understand when they've been programmed." he says.

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2011-06-26 02:48 am UTC (link)
"Indeed. I fear junior high girls injuring themselves trying to chemically-tan blue is just around the corner."

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2011-06-26 07:49 pm UTC (link)
"And imagine the number of accidental deaths and lawsuits that will stem from that!" Aaron says.

"I'm sure X-Factor means well, but the man that's prostituting them, this Julian Howard...I bet he wishes he'd grown up with some kind of mutant power. But the man has no real power or presence of his own, so he has to ride the coat tails of those that do. I wish someone could show these kids that." Aaron says sadly.

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2011-06-26 07:50 pm UTC (link)
"It really does strike me as very sad and pathetic, Mr. Howard's...obsession with being a mutant." Patty says.

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2011-06-26 08:03 pm UTC (link)
"One wonders what Freud would say," Minerva says drily while Minnie, deep inside, hates them so. "Tail envy, perhaps? But I agree, Mr. Zothelle, it is a shame those poor manipulated kids have no idea he's taking advantage of their...condition."

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2011-06-26 11:44 pm UTC (link)
"It is. I want to help them, I want to show them that he's just using them for his own ends, and he'll discard them when they've served their purpose. I've met men like Mr. Howard; they're a dime a dozen and it's not hard to see where they get it from.

His father was a poor influence on him and it shows." Aaron says.

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2011-06-26 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Julian will destroy him utterly, Minnie silently reminds herself. Here's hoping he dies screaming. How dare he talk about Mr. H like that on top of insulting Julian?

"I'm ready to believe it," Minerva drawls. "That kind flawed sense of character runs in families at times. But there is so little one can do about such people but soldier on trying to get the truth out, I suppose."

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2011-06-27 02:11 am UTC (link)
"Exactly, Miss del Garda. Can I count on you attending our cookout next weekend in Central Park? We'll have live music, good food, and some guest speakers. I'd love to see you come out and join us." Aaron says, smiling at her.

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2011-06-27 02:13 am UTC (link)
"Mr. Zothelle, I would love to. Is there any way I can pitch in for it?" A trifle easier to play follow-the-money once your own is in the mix.

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2011-06-27 02:19 am UTC (link)
"That would be splendid!" Aaron says.

"We're actually doing a fundraiser for Senator Jared Gavin Stone III, who just announced his candidacy for president. We're throwing our support behind him, and he'll be in attendance at several of our fundraisers." he says.

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2011-06-27 02:25 am UTC (link)
"Terrific! I'll have my checkbook ready."

Stone? Ugh. Terrific.

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2011-06-29 11:12 pm UTC (link)
"I really think you'll make a great addition to our organization Miss del Garda. Now, we should eat. Don't worry, dinner tonight is my treat." Aaron says, looking to Patty.

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2011-06-29 11:12 pm UTC (link)
Patty simply smiles before looking to Minnie.

"I love your dress, Miss del Garda. Who's the designer?" she asks.

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2011-06-30 12:31 am UTC (link)
She smiles graciously. "Thank you!"

"Calvin Klein." She had made sure not to wear that lovely dress Julian had given her that was designed by Jason from his show.

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2011-07-07 12:36 am UTC (link)
"So, Minerva---may I call you Minerva--are you from New York originally or are you new?" Aaron asks.

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2011-08-24 10:24 pm UTC (link)

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