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Ben Parker ([info]the_other) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-19 21:35:00

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Entry tags:inactive - ben parker, inactive - kassia frost, inactive - may parker, plot-"sibling rivalry"

You know it's going to be a bad day when....
Ben didn't know when it would start, only that it would. With all the anti-mutant sentiment going about, it was only a matter of time before it got to Midtown High School. A few people, people he thought he knew well, started going the other way when they saw him coming. Others pretended to be busy with a particular spot on the floor that kept them from looking at him. Gong from one of the most popular sophomores in school to near-pariah in a matter of days didn't bother him nearly as much as where the hate was /really directed.

It came to a head in Algebra II/Trig Class.

He overheard Chris Stovall talking to a few people and would have ignored it if he hadn't heard him end with...

"Or, you could be a skanky mutant like Kassi McKenzie." he says.

It had taken all of Ben's willpower not to leap over the table and rip him into a thousand bloody little pieces, though the symbiote was certainly all for that idea. No. Ben waited until the lunch bell rang and followed Chris to the cafeteria.

"Hey, Chris. What did you mean by that comment you made about Kassi?" Ben asks.

Chris looked at Ben like he was a leper. "Well, we all know--" 


They say it'll be three months before Chris Stovall can speak again, as the damage to his jaw was pretty extensive.

If he ever does.


Ben Parker sits in the principal's office, now, waiting as they call his parents to come and get him from school. He's been suspended until the parent-teacher conference happens, and that could interfere with finals.

If he'd known they were going to be such babies about it, Ben would have broken every other bone Chris Stovall's body.


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2011-06-29 11:14 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, if only, babe. If only." Ben says. "I gotta now, because the parentals said only a few minutes and my sister my come and check on me. I'll talk to you as soon as I can okay?"

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2011-06-29 11:27 pm UTC (link)
"Okay, Ben. Okay."

This summer was going to suck.

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