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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-15 23:12:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lisa graves, inactive - minnie

But the way you play your game ain't fair (Julian)
There. That had finished the business they were working on for now. Julian's posture was sifting as he looked ready to settle in for some private time. Time that Minnie wanted. Time that she wasn't sure she could get enough of, when soon she'd be beginning her "errands" with the LOHN in earnest.

But she had to tell him. She'd been reviewing her memories, and she had to tell him.

"Julian? I need to talk to you about Lisa."

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Re: Later
2011-06-18 02:24 am UTC (link)
"I wouldn't ask you to." Lisa says softly, smoothing a hand through his hair.

"I've seen smart people make idiots of themselves worrying about exes or even just old friends that are still present in the lives of their... significant others." She pauses to give her one of her usual confident smiles. "--so I'll believe you if you say what you and her have now isn't what you and I have now.

The night I was attacked, after you were there for me, you still told me to go off and have the night I was planning on with Aleks. That you trust me and don't try to own me is why I keep on with you, Julian. One of a lot of reasons, actually.

I care about you, but I'm happy you have someone else you can rely on, so I'm not going to care if you have both of us in your life. Hell, both of us in your bed, simultaneously even, as long as everyone is giving and game." She gives him a sly smile, having already assumed he and Minnie were intimate with one another. "As much as you can be, with all I imagine you have spinning in that wicked and brilliant mind of yours, just try to leave some space to only be thinking about me, now and then." She kisses his forehead.

"And really, it's already awkward, I just want to get it sorted out so everyone knows where they stand at least. What do you think she thinks of me?"

Something else gives her pause.

"And what did you mean... through the ages?"

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Re: Later
2011-06-18 02:42 am UTC (link)
To be quite honest, he'd expected Lisa to take this whole thing with Minnie rather poorly. He'd expected some manner of veiled ultimatum, even, but when Lisa didn't start in on either, Julian found himself impressed with her, once again.

"Minnie is simply trying to find out if I'm safe with you. She's looked out for me for a long time, ever since I first fed upon her. She's always kept any eye out for me, always made sure that I wasn't in a position where I'd have to hurt someone to get what I need." Julian says, pulling Lisa closer to him.

"While I'd have no problems with both of you in my bed, I'd rather wait and see how that shapes up. But yes, there are corners of my mind that only you occupy, Lisa. You should know that." he says simply.

When she asks what he meant about 'through the ages', Julian slaps himself mentally. He hadn't meant to give her any further information about his family.

"Did I say that?" he asks, his brow knotting in confusion. "It's just a turn of phrase, where I'm from. Through the 'years', is a more accurate translation." Julian smiles, leaning up to kiss her.

He really hopes she bought that, because explaining the truth isn't something he's interested in just now.

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Re: Later
2011-06-18 02:52 am UTC (link)
Lisa relaxes further, leaning against him and letting her fingers play at the cuts and creases of his suit. She lets herself feel a little bit smug at getting to hear the bit about corners of his mind out loud.

When he restates his earlier comment, and goes in for the kiss, however, she puts a finger to his lips. She gives him a look. It's not angry, but it's very firm.

"Sorry... headache brushing up again distracted me. I'm pretty sure I just heard you say 'That's something to discuss another time.'" She gives him a small nod, then kisses him as he was likely pursuing himself, before resting her head on his shoulder.

The whole moment felt, and would look like, had anyone else been in the room, rather like one of their more tender 'afterglow' moments, but with much more clothing still in place and less sweat and energy transfer (of any kind).

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Re: Later
2011-06-18 02:56 am UTC (link)
"If there are any complications or maladies or...scares of any kind in the future, I'd like you to let me know immediately." Julian says.

"It would be for the best, so that I don't have to worry." Julian says.

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Re: Later
2011-06-18 03:08 am UTC (link)
"Julian... I called you when I was a little more than half-naked in the street because someone tried to kill me. I think you're pretty well established as my personal health confidante." She strokes his chest, undoing a button or two in pursuit of feeling his skin under her fingertips. She tapped a nail against the torc she'd gotten him.

"You'll know." She reassures him. "I'll let you know whatever the docs turn up about my... aura, too."

A pause.

"She didn't have to tell you about me. I should do something to thank her."

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Re: Later
2011-06-19 09:28 pm UTC (link)
"No, she didn't, but Minnie is very protective of me." he says.

"I think you two might like each other eventually. Try going out for lunch or something. She's into ethnic foods and has managed to get me to try a few I wouldn't have otherwise." Julian says.

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Re: Later
2011-06-20 01:20 am UTC (link)
Lisa seems to consider that. "I know a place with wasabi grilled duck that I've never seen anyone turn down." She draws a finger over his chin. "I'll make sure to bring you back some too."

And she'll just enjoy this bit of quiet intimacy until Minnie gets back.

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Re: Later
2011-06-20 01:26 am UTC (link)
After a bit of looking up, a bit of waiting, a bit of cordial flattery, and a bit of "My employer really doesn't want to jeopardize the young lady's safety by putting her in the hands of incompetents, Dr. Bradley..." Minnie did return.

"I've secured an appointment first thing in the morning," she tells them politely.

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Re: Later
2011-06-20 01:42 am UTC (link)
"Thank you, Minnie. Lisa, do you think you can wait until tomorrow morning?" Julian asks.

"If not, we'll work something else out." he says.

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Re: Later
2011-06-20 08:29 am UTC (link)
Lisa nods. "I'll manage. I was just going to call my general physician today anyway.

I'll be fine." She says more as a reassurance than an acceptance of the wait.

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Re: Later
2011-06-23 01:31 am UTC (link)
" 'Fine is usually a bad sign, but great is a state that I can appreciate.'" Julian says immediately.

"My father said that often when I was a boy. I used to tell him that I'd be /fine/ all the time, too. He knew I didn't care to be taken care of, but he did it anyway." Julian says.

"You'll be staying with me, tonight, Lisa, so that I can make sure you don't suffer any issues in the middle of the night or something." Julian says.

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Re: Later
2011-06-23 01:35 am UTC (link)
"Here's the time and address," Minnie presses the paper to Julian's hand. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

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Re: Later
2011-06-23 01:59 am UTC (link)
"Minnie." Lisa collects herself, getting up from Julian's lap and offering a hand to the other woman.

"You didn't have to do this. Thank you."

She offers a smile. "Lunch later this week? On me. Not even a company card."

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Re: Later
2011-06-23 02:01 am UTC (link)
"Sure. That's very nice of you." Minnie shakes Lisa's hand and tries not to be awkward.

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