Hello, again. (Minnie)
Justin hadn't been gone for long, but he already seemed to be a world away. He was busy, very busy, and she knew that, but it was still sad and depressing that he was barely even responding to text messages. Having grown accustomed to having Justin around so much made his absence even heavier and time seemed to drag. Tina could feel the sadness pulling at the corners of her mind and knew that the longer she sat and thought about Justin's absence the lower she was going to get. To that end she decided to get off of the couch and do something. The closets hadn't been touched in ages, after all.
She'd hauled a hefty load of clothing (mostly dresses) and shoes in and lay them on the counter. Vincent's Tailor and Shoes was a little, almost hole-in-the-wall place but it had a mighty reputation for being the absolute best. Tina trusted their staff and genuinely enjoyed going there, the little old grandmother who did most of the alterations always ready to give Tina a compliment about her figure or tell her to drink more water. It was a kind of gentle fussing care and attention that Tina had missed. It'd been a long, long time.
Tina had signed off on her customer slip and was turning to leave when the bell on the door jingled with the entrance of another patron.
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