"Soda is one thing I don't run out of. Enough of the staff drinks it that we've got a pretty good deal with a few vendors in town." Julian grins, going to the mini-refrigerator.
"We've got Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb and Sprite, and water for those who enjoy such." Julian says. He passes Edmund his choice, then looks to Minnie for her own.
"Sebastian Shaw isn't an issue in these parts anymore, Edmund. That's one thing I can assure you of." Julian tells him.
"Minnie's probably informed you that I'm looking for a man with your talents to fill a space on my staff." Julian says.
"Your work today shows that you can follow directions and get a job done. I'd like to keep you on retainer and I've got no shortage of jobs. If you accept, your free time is your own.
In return, you'll be paid well and you'll get opportunities for advancement. What do you think so far?" Julian asks.
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