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Eli Paravich ([info]blinkandmissme) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-10 23:51:00

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Entry tags:bram harker, gregory price, inactive - eli paravich, inactive - jessica hellstrom, plot-"mothers day", team - nightstalkers

A Time of Need (Nightstalkers)
(This scene takes place after the vampire attack in Los Angeles)

Eli reaches out with his mind, as even a cell phone is too slow for his needs.





I am in need of your aid.

Eli's tone is earnest and solemn, and he does his level best to keep it from being pleading for their assistance.

He waits to to see if they'll answer back, hoping that they are all not otherwise busy.

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Re: Bram, Greg and Eli
2011-07-07 02:11 am UTC (link)
The silver bullet slammed into Greg and the werewolf paused for a second and there was a howl of pain. Then he was back after Colin, fangs and claws ready to rip apart vampire flesh. Blood came from the wound in the werewolf's chest.

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Re: Bram, Greg and Eli
2011-07-08 12:13 am UTC (link)
It's difficult to say which attack kills Colin Vale, in the end. Bram's bullets strike home just as Greg's muscular arm lances out and strikes his head from his shoulders, sending it to roll about the floor to a stop at Bram's feet.

Colin Vale doesn't even have time to scream as his body decomposes, but there is a look of utter shock on his face, as if he can't believe this has happened.

There is a great wail of suffering from somewhere in the castle, and the rest of the vampires residing within (that are capable) start to flee in droves.

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Re: Bram, Greg and Eli
2011-07-08 12:17 am UTC (link)
Greg's mindless rages were a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing in the sense that any bad guys in the area were in for a really bad day. Though so was anyone else in the area, which turned it into a curse.

With Vale dead, the werewolf went after the other moving things in the room.

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Re: Bram, Greg and Eli
2011-07-08 12:44 am UTC (link)
Bram rolled away dropping his guns and reaching for a flare gun. He would prefer not to have to kill Greg if he could and he had an idea for how to take advantage of this.

He fired the flare pasted Greg's face towards the fleeing vampires trying to change his focus towards them.

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Re: Bram, Greg and Eli
2011-07-08 02:23 am UTC (link)
The light attracts his attention and the werewolf goes bounding after the fleeing vampires.

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