"I am certain you would prefer destruction, wouldn't you? A chance to be released from your shame. No, I will not be so generous." Druig says, ignoring Bram, Amanda and Jessica.
"You are exiled from Polaria upon pain of destruction. You are not to return under any circumstance, for any reason, not even should you require dire aid, for as long as you shall live. Your children and their children, and their children forever until your bloodline turns into ash and dust shall never enter Polaria, not even if they are of Eternal blood. You will be stricken from the records of our city and never again spoken of.
If you do, I will have you destroyed upon sight for the traitor you are, Eliosha Paravich." Druig says coldly.
"Druig of Nightmares has no son, now and forevermore. You have chosen humanity over your people. Now live as one of them." he says.
With that, Druig vanishes and leaves Eli to his friends.
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